Study on the unintended pregnancy among married women of child-bearing age living in Qingshan district, Wuhan
收稿日期:2011-09-16  出版日期:2014-09-09
中文关键词: 意外妊娠  已婚育龄妇女  年龄队列
英文关键词: Unintended pregnancy  Married women of child-bearing age  Age cohort
邹宇量 武汉大学公共卫生学院流行病与卫生统计学系, 430071  
廖四兰 武汉市洪山区人口和计划生育服务站  
杨华 武汉市青山区人口和计划生育服务站  
陈如程 武汉大学公共卫生学院流行病与卫生统计学系, 430071  
黄丹钦 武汉大学公共卫生学院流行病与卫生统计学系, 430071  
李十月 武汉大学公共卫生学院流行病与卫生统计学系, 430071  
燕虹 武汉大学公共卫生学院流行病与卫生统计学系, 430071 Email: yanhmj@yahoo.cn 
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      目的 探索武汉市青山区不同年龄队列已婚育龄妇女意外妊娠发生状况及影响因素.方法 采用横断面调查,于2010年3月以整群抽样抽取青山区18~49岁已婚育龄妇女3256人,应用自编调查表调查意外妊娠史及有关影响因素.结果 3256人中,53.8%报告有意外妊娠史,9.1%报告过去一年有意外妊娠,3个年龄队列(18~30岁、31~40岁和41~49岁)报告过去一年意外妊娠史的比例依次为31.8%、10.5%和1.8%.3个年龄队列均报告最近一次妊娠的主要原因是“没有采取避孕措施”(报告比例分别为69.7%、51.1%和42.4%);其次是“传统避孕法失败”(18~30岁为13.0%)和“环脱落或带环怀孕”(31~ 40岁为23.4%,41 ~49岁为37.0%).各年龄组队列报告“没有采取避孕措施”的主要原因是“存在侥幸心理”(59.6%).年龄大、初婚年龄小、初次性交年龄小是已婚育龄妇女意外妊娠发生相关危险因素.结论 青山区已婚育龄妇女报告意外妊娠者的比例较高.生育健康服务和干预应区别对待不同年龄队列的已婚育龄妇女,尤其重点关注年轻的妇女.
      Objective To investigate the prevalence of unintended pregnancy (UP) and exploring the risk factors of UP for married women of child-bearing age from Qingshan district,Wuhan.Methods A cross-sectional study was adopted in this study.Cluster sampling method was used with 3256 women recruited,in 2010.Information on history and risks related to social-demographic factors of UP were collected,using a self-administered questionnaire.Results Of the 3256 participants,over half of them (53.8%) reorted ever having had the history of UP and 9.1% reported UP in the past year.Rate of UP in the past year for different age cohorts (18-30,31-40,41-49 years) were 31.8%,10.5% and 1.8% respectively.The most frequently reported reason for UP across all the age cohorts was "Did not use any contraceptive methods",with proportions on the reason that reported by women at 18-30,31-40 and 41-49 year-olds,were 69.7%,51.1% and 42.4% respectively.The second frequently reported reasons for UP were "Failure of traditional contraception" for younger cohort ( 18-30 years:13.0% ) and "IUD dropped or pregnancy with IUD" for older-age cohorts (23.4% at 31-40 year-olds and 37.0% at the 41-49 year-oplds).The most frequently cited reason for "Did not use any contraceptive methods" was "Believe we were lucky so far,not to get pregnant" (59.6%).The risk factors of UP were being at older age,experiencing sex debut at younger age and got married at younger age.Conclusion The prevalence of lifetime UP history was high among women at child-bearing age from Qingshan district,Wuhan.Reproductive health services and interventions should be taken according to the needs from different age cohorts of women.Younger cohort of women should receive more attention.?
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