Study on the prevalence rate of abdominal obesity in 9 rural communities from Hanzhong area of Shaanxi province
收稿日期:2011-10-17  出版日期:2014-09-09
中文关键词: 中心性肥胖  超重  体重指数  影响因素
英文关键词: Abdominal obesity  Overweight  Body mass index  Influencing factors
任琳 西安交通大学医学院公共卫生系卫生统计学教研室, 710061  
裴磊磊 西安交通大学医学院公共卫生系卫生统计学教研室, 710061  
颜虹 西安交通大学医学院公共卫生系卫生统计学教研室, 710061 xjtu_yh.paper@yahoo.com.cn 
李强 西安交通大学医学院公共卫生系卫生统计学教研室, 710061  
党少农 西安交通大学医学院公共卫生系卫生统计学教研室, 710061  
赵亚玲 西安交通大学医学院公共卫生系卫生统计学教研室, 710061  
刘小宁 西安交通大学医学院公共卫生系卫生统计学教研室, 710061  
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      目的 了解陕西省汉中农村地区常住居民中心性肥胖患病情况及其影响因素.方法 对汉中市汉台区9个农业乡镇进行分层随机抽样,每个乡镇随机抽取一个村,在抽中村随机抽取18~ 80岁常住居民,调查内容包括家庭及个人一般情况、膳食、体格检查等方面.结果 共调查3030人,有效问卷3021份,其中男性1048人,女性1973人.中心性肥胖率为38.9%(标化率为33.4%),男性(35.0%)低于女性(40.9%),差异有统计学意义(x2=10.613,P=0.001).多因素logistic回归分析结果表明对于男性,已婚、家庭富裕、经常吃油炸食物、基本不干农活、不吸烟或已戒烟、看电视时间比较长均与中心性肥胖的发生呈正相关.而对于女性,低龄、经常干农活、人工喂养、文化程度较高、怀孕次数少与其中心性肥胖的发生呈负相关.结论 汉中农村地区的中心性肥胖率显著高于全国平均水平,应开展有效干预措施预防相关慢性病的发生.
      Objective The objective of this study was to investigate the prevalence rate of abdominal obesity and to explore the associated risk factors in rural communities from Hanzhong area,Shaanxi province,and to providc baseline data for further targeted intervention programs.Methods A cross-sectional study was conducted among all the participants with questionnaires,interview and physical examination.Nine townships were selected in Hanzhong area,followed by one village randomly chosen from the selected township,using the stratified random sampling method.Results There were 3030 participants in this survey,among which 3021 samples were valid,including 1048 males and 1973 females.The overall prevalence rate of abdominal obesity was 38.9%(standardized rate as 33.4% ) in rural communities of Hanzhong,and the prevalence rate on males abdominal obesity(35.0% ) was significantly lower than that of females (40.9%).It was found that following factors as:being male,married,having more household wealth,frequent consumption of fried food,non-engagement of agricultural labor work,being nonsmoker or ex-smoker,spending longer time on watching-TV etc.were positively associated with the biggerr odds of having abdominal obesity when using the logistic regression analysis.Meanwhile,data from this study indicated that fctors as:at younger age,frequent participation in agricultural labor,under artificial feeding,with more years of education,less frequency of pregnancy etc.were negatively related to the prevalence of female abdominal obesity.Conclusion The prevalence rate of abdominal obesity in Hanzhong area,Shaanxi province was significantly higher than the national average level which called for the development of related intervention programs to prevent chronic diseases associated with gender related-obesity in Hanzhong.
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