Relationship beteen deliberate self-harm and suicidal behaviors in college students
收稿日期:2011-11-09  出版日期:2014-11-03
中文关键词: 自伤  自杀  大学生
英文关键词: Self-harm  Suicide  College student
万字 安徽医科大学公共卫生学院, 合肥 230032  
高荣 安徽医科大学公共卫生学院, 合肥 230032  
陶兴永 安徽医科大学公共卫生学院, 合肥 230032  
陶芳标 安徽医科大学公共卫生学院, 合肥 230032  
胡传来 安徽医科大学公共卫生学院, 合肥 230032 huchuanlai@126.com 
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      目的了解大学生故意自伤行为和自杀行为的发生情况,并分析其相关性。方法方法整群选取某医科大学4063名一、二年级在校生为研究对象,采用#检验比较不同性别大学生故意自伤行为、自杀行为检出率差异,建立多因素logistic回归模型拟合多种研究变量对故意自伤行为一自杀行为的影响。结果4063名大学生最近1年故意自伤行为检出率为13。4%,其中单次自伤检出率为3。7%,多次检出率为9。6%,男生高于女生;最近1年自杀意念、自杀计划、自杀未遂和自杀行为的检出率分别为4。 5%、1。4%、O6%和4。 9%,性别问差异无统计学意义(P>O。05)。采用多元logistic回归分析,以有自伤无自杀组为参考,有自伤有自杀组表现为积极应对程度低(OR=O。5,95%CI:0。3~O。8)、伙伴个数相对较少(3,5个vs。≤2个:OR=O。6。95%C1:0。3—0。9;>/6个%。≤2个:OR=O。4,95%CI:0。2。O。8);消极应对(OR-----2。 1,95%6'/:1。2~3。7)、抑郁症状(OR=2。 9,95%C/:1。6—5。 2)、焦虑症状(OR=2。 2,95%C/:l。2—3。8)、睡眠问题(OR----1。7,95%Cl:1。1—2。 8)、自评体型偏胖(偏胖m。正常:OR=2。 0,95%CI:1。1—3。6)较为常见。logistic回归分析发现,大学生故意自伤行为者中自杀行为的发生风险显著增加(OR=4。 7,95%CI:3。5—6。4),而抑郁、应对方式、自评体型等社会心理因素会减弱两者的关联程度(OR=3|3,95%a:2。 4—4。 5)。自杀行为发生的风险随自伤次数的增加而增加(OR-----3。1—10。0),社会心理因素也会减弱两者的关联(OR=2。 4—5。 9)。结论自伤行为虽然不是个体自杀行为发生的信号,但有必要在自伤者中开展自杀行为发生可能性的评估。
      Objective To describe the prevalence ofdeliberate self-harm(DSH)and suicidalbehaviors(SIB)as well as the relationship between them in a college student population.Methods A total of 4063 medical students were selected under the cluster sampling method in Anhui province.Data were analyzed by Pearson Chi—square and logistic regression.Results A total of4063(13.4%)students reported that they had deliberately harmed themselves during the past 12 months.The acts of DSH with 1 and more than or equal to2 times occurence ac+M4counted for3.7%and9.6%among all the respondents.The act of DSH was significantly higher among boys than that among girls.Rates of suicide ideation.suicide plan,attempted suicide and SIB in the last 4. 5%,1.4%.0.6 and4. 9%,respectively.However no statistically significant dilyerence was found in different sex.Students in the DSH groupnlat with SIB were found to have lower positive coping levels(OR=O.5,95%C/:0.3—0.8).getting less support from frithds(3-5 vs.1ess than or equal to 2:OR=O.6,95%c,:0.3—0.9;more than or equal to 6∞.1ess than or equal to 2:OR=O.4,95%C,:0.2-0.8).with highor negative coping levels(OR=2,1,95%CI:1.2—3.7),having more serious depressive symptoms(OR=2. 9,95%c,:1.6—5. 2)and anxiety symptoms(OR=2. 2. 95%CI:1.2—3.8).having more serious sleeping problems(OR=1.7. 95%C,:1.1—2. 8)and perceived fat(fat.moderate:OR=2. 0,95%CI:1.1—3.6)than the DSH group without SIB.The rates of SIB in students with DSH behavior were significantly higher than those in students without those behaviors(OR---4. 7,95%C/:3.5—6.4).Psyehosocial variables could attenuate the relationship between the DSH status and suicidal events (OR=3.3.95%CI:2. 4—4. 5).The DSH frequency exhibited a curvilinear relationship to SIB(OR=3.1一lO.0)and psychosocial variables also attenuated this relationship(OR=2. 4—5. 9).ConclusionIt was well known that SIB was not a suicidal gesture but our findings suggested that the presence of DSH might trigger the suicidal attempts.
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