朱兵清,徐丽,周海健,邵祝军.血清杀菌试验和酶联免疫吸附试验测定C群脑膜炎奈瑟菌血清抗体滴度比较[J].中华流行病学杂志,2012,33(5):521-524 |
血清杀菌试验和酶联免疫吸附试验测定C群脑膜炎奈瑟菌血清抗体滴度比较 |
Comparison on the levels of human serum antibody against Neixseda meningitidis serogroup C measured using serum bactericidal assay and ELISA |
收稿日期:2011-10-09 出版日期:2014-11-03 |
DOI: |
中文关键词: c群脑膜炎奈瑟菌 血清杀菌试验 酶联免疫吸附试验 |
英文关键词: Neisseria meningitidu group C Serumbactericidal assay Enzyme—linked immunosorbent assay |
基金项目:国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划)(201ICB504900) |
摘要点击次数: 4866 |
全文下载次数: 2461 |
中文摘要: |
目的比较血清杀菌试验(SBA)和酶联免疫吸附试验(ELISA)测定两种C群脑膜炎奈瑟菌(Nm)疫苗免疫后血清抗体滴度的差异。方法采用SBA钡fJ定75名未免疫健康成年人(40~70岁)血清、143名3—8月龄婴儿及194名3—5岁儿童NmA和C群结合疫苗或A+C群多糖疫苗免疫前后血清中Nm杀菌抗体水平,然后用ELISA测定相应血清的Nm特异性lgG含量,并利用线性相关与回归分析两种测定结果的相关性。结果未免疫健康成年人血清中Nm杀菌抗体水平和特异性lgG含量之问的相关性较高(r-O.814 33,P<0.001);3~8月龄婴儿和3—5岁儿童接种结合/多糖疫苗前,Nm杀菌抗体水平和特异性IgG含量之间相关性较差(3.8月龄:r=O.140 64,P>0.100/r=O.2899,P<0.05;3—5岁:r=0.54040.P<0.0S/r=0.94 36,P<0.05),接种l剂结合疫苗后,杀菌抗体水平和特异性lgG含量之问的相关性较好(r=O.80938,P结论健康成年人血清和结合疫苗免疫后的婴幼儿血清中特异性C群NmlgG含量可以间接反映血清杀菌抗体水平,ELISA方法可以替代SBA。但ELISA检测方法不适用于3—8月龄婴儿多糖疫苗免疫后的效果评价。 |
英文摘要: |
0bjective To analyze the levels of human sera mantibody against Nelsseria meningitidis serogroup C measured by sernm bactericidal assay (SBA)and ELlSA.Methods SBA and a modified ELISA were applied to measure the serum bactericidal titer and the specific concentration of immunoglobulin C(lgG)against meningoeoccal semgroup C in sera samples.Seventy—five sera were from healthy a dults without undertaking vaccination while another 429and 388 pre and post-vaccinated sera were from 143 infants and l94 young children immunized with conjugate vaccine or polysacchafidevaccine.respectively.Correlationbetween SerLlm bactericidal titerand the concentration of specific lgG against meningococcal serogroup C was analyzed.ResultThe concentration of meningococcal serogronp C specific lgG in healthy a dults showed a strong correlation(r=0.814 33,P<0.001)with scrim bactericidal titer through linear regressiona nalysis.Weak correlation was observed between SBA titers and lgG concentration in prevaccinated sera of infants and children(conjugate/polysaccharide vaccine)(infants:r=0.140 64,P>0.100/r=0.2899,PConclusionAmong healthy a dults and post vaccinated infants or young children immunized with conjugate vaccine the concentration ofspecific IgG was comparable to the serBm bactericidal titer against meningococcal serogroup C.However,it was not unfavorable to use ELlSA as the principal means of measuring serum antibody responses to polysaccharide vaccine for infants under 1 year old. |
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