Exploratory development of automated coding software on the underlying causes of death
收稿日期:2012-09-20  出版日期:2014-08-07
中文关键词: 根本死因  自动编码  编码正确率
英文关键词: Underlying death cause  Automated coding  Coding correct rate
姬一兵 102206 北京,中国疾病预防控制中心公共卫生监测与信息服务中心  
王黎君 102206 北京,中国疾病预防控制中心公共卫生监测与信息服务中心 wangli-19@yahoo.tom.Cn 
周脉耕 102206 北京,中国疾病预防控制中心公共卫生监测与信息服务中心  
摘要点击次数: 3936
全文下载次数: 1644
      为提高常规死因监测中根本死因编码的准确性,按照WHO的ICD-10根本死因编码规则及国际上同类软件开发设计原理,并参照美国编码策略表,通过计算机语言实现根本死因编码的自动化,研制基于全国死因登记报告信息系统的根本死因自动编码工具,其根本死因编码正确率达到85 %,实现了对死亡个案数据的自动编码,且编码正确率达到国际同类软件水平。
      To develop an automated coding software related to the underlying causes ofdeath, based on the National Registration Information System on deaths,which could improve thequality of coding on the underlying causes of death in the conventional death surveillance system.Following the coding rules of the underlying death cause of ICD-10 and the design on principles ofsoftware of underlying death cause automated coding from some other countries, as well as inaccordance with the coding strategy table from the USA, we implemented the automatization of theunderlying death cause coding. Based on national registration information system on cause of death,an automated coding software of underlying death cause was developed with the coding correction rateclosed to 85%. The automated coding software of underlying death cause could code the death cases ofunderlying death cause with high rate of correction, similar to that of the same kind softwaresdeveloped in other countries.
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