Survey on behaviors of health in poverty area from the mid—west four provinces of China
收稿日期:2012-08-22  出版日期:2014-09-26
中文关键词: 生活方式  健康行为  农村居民
英文关键词: Life style  Health behavior  Rural residents
蒋燕 100050 北京, 中国疾病预防控制中心全国12320管理中心  
崔颖 100050 北京, 中国疾病预防控制中心全国12320管理中心 angelcy68@yahoo.cn 
苏潇歌 100050 北京, 中国疾病预防控制中心全国12320管理中心  
杨丽 妇幼保健中心国际合作项目部  
王蕾 妇幼保健中心国际合作项目部  
宋炜路 100050 北京, 中国疾病预防控制中心全国12320管理中心  
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全文下载次数: 1024
      目的 了解中国中西部贫困地区农民生活方式现状,为改善该地区农村人群生活方式和提高健康水平提供建议.方法 采用整群随机抽样方法及自行设计生活方式调查问卷,对甘肃、青海、山西和新疆四省区16个项目县42个项目乡84个行政村的15~69岁农村居民共5516人进行调查.结果 在5343份有效问卷中男性2178人,女性3165人,平均年龄43.4岁;少数民族2965人,汉族2378人.调查对象文化程度以初中(37.7%)和小学(32.1%)为主,职业构成以农业(62.1%)为主.调查对象中吸烟率为22.4%,其中青海、山西省男性吸烟率明显高于其他两省区,山西省农业人群吸烟率最高;调查对象中饮酒率为13.9%,山西、青海两省的人群饮酒率和男性饮酒率均高于其他两省区,山西省女性饮酒明显低于其他三省区,但农业人群饮酒高于其他三省区.四省区调查人群的卫生习惯存在差异,在食用乳品或乳制品、新鲜蔬菜、豆制品、动物内脏、油炸食品、腌熏食品和畜肉之间的差异有统计学意义.结论 甘肃、青海、山西和新疆贫困地区农民的生活方式存在差异.建议根据问题开展有针对性的健康教育,同时借助“12320全国卫生热线”服务帮助居民建立健康生活方式.
      0bjective To understand ways of life among poverty—stricken farmers fromwestern areas of China.Methods Ouestiormaires on ways of life were designed,using clusterrandom sampling method to study 55 1 6 ruraI residents,aged l 5—69,from 84 administrative villages,42 project townships and 1 6 project counties in Shanxi and Gansu,Qinghai,Xinjiang provinces.Results 5343 valid questionnaires included 2 1 78 males and 3 1 65 females.with the average age as43.4 years old.2965 people were with minority ethnicities and another 2378 were Hans.Most of therespondents had received iunior high school(37.7%)or primary school(32.1%)education with 62.1%ofthe respondents working in the agricultural areas.The overall smoking rate among them was 22.4%.The rates of smoking in males in Qinghai and Shanxi provinces were obviously higher than those inother provinces,with the highest seen in Shanxi.The overall rate ofalcohol intake was 13.9%.and thehighest seen in Shanxi and Qinghai。The alcohol intake in males was higher in Shanxi and Qinghai,than in other provinces while in female it was significantly 10wer in Shanxi than in the other threeprovinces.The health related habits were different in the four provinces.including the amount ofweekly intake of milk or dairy products,fresh vegetables,bean products,animal viscera,fried food,pickled or smoked food products and livestock meat。with statistically significant differences.Conclusion Life styles of farmers living in the poverty—stricken areas in Gansu,Qinghai,Shanxi andXinjiang were different.Strategies related to the real situation on each province need to be developedwhich would include effective health education and with the aid of‘l 2320 hotline services’to helpthe residents build up a healthy lifestyle.
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