Status on knowledge, attitudes, behavior regarding nutrition and food safety among 4-6 grade students from Chinas'two poverty-stricken counties
收稿日期:2013-01-07  出版日期:2014-09-17
中文关键词: 营养与食品安全  知识、态度、行为模式  小学生
英文关键词: Nutrition and food safety  Knowledge  attitudes  practice model  Pupils
彭真 410008 长沙, 中南大学公共卫生学院  
杨芳 410008 长沙, 中南大学公共卫生学院  
孙振球 410008 长沙, 中南大学公共卫生学院  
李明志 410008 长沙, 中南大学公共卫生学院 56739683@qq.com 
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      目的通过对两个国家级贫困县4~6年级小学生营养与食品安全知识、态度、行为现状的调查, 分析贫困地区营养与食品安全存在的问题, 探索小学生营养与食品安全教育最佳模式。方法采用分层整群抽样, 抽取云南省会泽县和陕西省镇安县12所小学4~6年级478名学生, 使用自行设计的问卷进行调查。结果478名小学生营养与食品安全知识平均得分为(18.66±3.75)分, 及格率为61.09%, 各条目知晓率最高为94%;态度部分平均得分为(5.82±1.50)分, 其中97%以上的学生认为在学校学习-些营养和食品安全知识很有必要, 仅19%的学生认为报纸、杂志和电视广告上刊登的营养与食品安全信息可靠;行为部分平均得分为(8.52±2.56)分, 65%的学生-日三餐有规律。结论学生营养与食品安全知识知晓率较基线调查结果有明显提高, 日常饮食也更加规律, 但也存在获取知识途径单-、态度和行为两级分化现象明显等问题。
      ObjecfiveTo investigating knowledge, attitudes, current behavior among primary schoo1 students on nutrition and food safety in two State-level poverty-stricken counties.and to explore the best educational model on nutrition and food safety.Methods478 pupils at 4-6 grades were selected, using the method of stratified cluster sampling and questionnairs.ResultsThe average score on knowledge was 18.66±3.75.with the qualified rate as 61.09%(the highest was 60.6%).The average score in the section of attitude was 5.82±1.50.More than 97%of the students agreed that it was necessary to receive knowledge on nutrition and food safety.The average score of behavior was 8.52±2.56.ConelusionRate of awareness on knowledge of nutrition and food safety had greatly improved among the students under study.Their habit tended to be more regular.However, we also noticed the gap between knowledge and behavior on this issue.
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