How to write high-quality epidemiological research paper Ⅱ.Strengthening the Reporting of Observational Studies in Epidemiology-Molecular Epidemiology(STROBE-ME)---introduction and explanation
收稿日期:2013-05-20  出版日期:2014-09-17
中文关键词: 分子流行病学研究报告规范  分子标志物  清单
英文关键词: Strengthening the Reporting of Observational Studies in Epidemiology-Molecular Epidemiology  Biomarker  List
陈茹 100191 北京大学医学部公共卫生学院流行病与卫生统计学系  
段芳芳 100191 北京大学医学部公共卫生学院流行病与卫生统计学系  
詹思延 100191 北京大学医学部公共卫生学院流行病与卫生统计学系 siyan-zhan@bjmu.edu.cn 
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      背景/原理(ME-2)在“前言”中应明确该文献纳入的-种或多种特定生物标志物的选择过程。明确阐述选择特定生物标志的背景资料和理由, 以及该生物标志如何被引入研究设计(生物标志物的暴露、内部剂量、早期生物学变化和易感性), 例如某些多态性位点的选择是基于候选基因策略还是通路策略。此外,应澄清该生物标志是否被(某种物质/结构)替代, 如果是, 还应提示如何替代。
      Objective To compare insulin secretion and action with impaired tasting glucose (IFG), impaired glucose tolerance(IGT) and combined glucose intolerance(CGI, IFG and IGT) between Han and Uygur populations living in Xinjiang. Methods A multicenter cross-section survey (The Third Diabetes Epidemiological Survey in china) was conducted in Xinjiang from 2007 to 2008 including 2203 subjects (Han 1118, Uygur 1085) underwent an oral glucose test(OGTT). Homeostasis model assessment on insuliu resistance (HOMA-TR) and β cell function (HOMA-β) were calculated. The ratio of ineremental insulin (Δ130)and glucose (ΔG30) response was used to evaluate the early insulin secretion. Δ130/ΔG30/HOMA-IR was used to evaluate the glucose disposition index (DT). Results There were diffcrences noticed regarding the waist circumstances (WC), body mass index (BMI), 1ipids, 0 and 120 min insulin levels in different glucose tolerance status between the Hans and Uygurs. Data related to NGT, IFG, CGI, WC from the Uygurs was significantly different from that of the Hans(P< O.01), while the NGT, IFG, IGT and 120-minme plasma insulin levels of the Hans were significantly different from that of the Uygnrs(PConclusion Regarding the regulation of impaired glucose, the insulin resistance among the Hans was significantly different from that of the Uygurs, while there seemed to be a compensatory secretion of pancreatic β cells which played the role of maintaining blood glucose homeostasis.
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