Research progress on the effect of climate change on dengue vector
收稿日期:2013-01-24  出版日期:2014-09-17
中文关键词: 气候变化  登革热  媒介
英文关键词: Climate change  Dengue fever  Vector
樊景春 1102206 北京, 中国疾病预防控制中心传染病预防控制所  
刘起勇 媒介生物控制室传染病预防控制国家重点实验室
摘要点击次数: 3702
全文下载次数: 1788
      气候变化是-个最典型的全球环境问题。20世纪70年代, 科学家提出气候变暖是-个全球环境问题, 到2007年, 联合国政府间气候变化专门委员会第四次评估报告(IPCCAR4)指出, 全球气候变化是人类迄今面临的规模最大、范围最广、影响最为深远的挑战, 其中气候变化对人类健康的影响是关系社会公共安全和可持续发展的焦点。
      Objective To study the application of statistics on Chronic-diseases-relating observational research papers which were recently published in the Chinese Medical Association Magazines, with influential index above 0.5. Methods Using a self-developed criterion, two investigators individually participated in assessing the application of statistics On Chinese Medical Association Magazines, with influential indcx above 0.5. Different opinions reached an agreement through discussion. Results A total number of 352 papers from 6 magazines, inciuding the Chinese Journal of Epidemiology, Chinese Journal of Oncology, Chinese Journal of Preventive Medwine, Chinese Joturnal of Cardiology, Chinese Journal of Internal Medicine and Chinese Journal of Endoerinology and Metabolism, were reviewed. The rate of clear statement on the following contents as: research objectives, ttarget audience, sample issues, objective inclusion criteria and variablc definitions were 99.43%, 98.57%, 95.43%, 92.86% and 96.87%. The correct rates of description on quantitative and qualitative data were 90.94% and 91.46%, respectively. The rates on correctly expressing the results, on statistical inference methods related to quantitative, qualitative data and modeling were 100%, 95.32% and 87.19%, respectively 89.49% of the conclusions could directly response to the research objectives. However, 69.60% of the Papers did not mention the exact names of the study design, statistically, that the papers were using, 11.14% of the Papers were in lack of further statement on the exclusion criteria. Percentage of the papers that could clearly explain the sample size estimation only taking up as 5.16%. Only 24.21% of the papers clearly described the variable value assignment. Regarding the introduction on statistical conduction and on database methods, the rate was only 24.15%, 18.75%of the papers did not express the statistical inference methods sufficiently. A quarter of the papers did not use‘standardization’appropriately. As for the aspect of statistical inference, the rate of description on statistical testing prerequisite was only 24.12% while 9.94% papers did not even employ the statistical inferential method that should be used. Conclusion The main deficiencics on the application of Staffsties used ln papers related to Chronic-diseases-related observational research were as follows; lack of sample-size determination, variable value assignment description not suffhcient, methods on statisties were not introduced clearly or properly, 1ack of consideration for pre-requisition regarding the use of stalistical inferenecs.
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