Spatial-temporal analysis on the distribution of infected snail at the village level in Anhuiprovince.2006-2012
收稿日期:2013-07-01  出版日期:2014-10-16
中文关键词: 感染性钉螺分布  地理信息系统  时空聚类分析
英文关键词: Distribution of infected snail  Geographical information systems  Space-timeclustering
高风华 230061 合肥,安徽省血吸虫病防治研究所  
张世清 230061 合肥,安徽省血吸虫病防治研究所  
何家昶 230061 合肥,安徽省血吸虫病防治研究所  
李婷婷 230061 合肥,安徽省血吸虫病防治研究所  
汪天平 230061 合肥,安徽省血吸虫病防治研究所  
张功华 230061 合肥,安徽省血吸虫病防治研究所  
李石柱 中国疾病预防控制中心寄生虫病预防控制所 lisz@chinacdc.cn 
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      目的分析2006--2012年安徽省感染性钉螺分布的时空分布特点。方法收集整理2006-2012年安徽省钉螺分布监测数据,采用ArcGIS 9.3软件建立村级空间数据库,再导入SaTScan 9.1.1软件进行时空扫描聚类分析,确定感染性钉螺发生的时空热点区域。结果2006-2012年全省有8个热点区域为感染性钉螺的聚集区,分布于长江安徽段及其支流流域,从上游至下游均有分布;其中2006年、2006-2008年、2007-2009年和2009-2011年分别出现了1、5、1和1个区域。感染螺环境出现率由2006年6.2%下降到2012年o.5%。结论2006-2012年安徽省感染性钉螺呈现聚集性分布并有下降态势,探测的热点区域为血吸虫防制的重点区域。
      Objective The characteristics of spatial-temporal distribution on infected snailswere analyzed at the village levelin Anhui province.2006-20l2.Methods Data on the distributionof infected snails from 2006 to 20 l 2 in Anhui province was collected.Spatial database was establishedby ArcGIS 9.3.Retrospective spatial.temporal cluster analysis was done by SaTScan 9.1.1 at thevillage level.Results Eight areas with increased risk and distributed along the upstream todownstrcam of Yangtze and connecting branch rivers.were found having infeeted snails.from 2006through 20 1 2,including one area in 2006,five in 2006-2008,one in 2007-2009 and one in2009-2011.respectively.Proportion on the number of areas with infected snails decreased from 6.2%in 2006 to 0.5%in 20l2.Conclusion The spatial-temporal distribution of infected snail was notrandom but there appeared significant clusters.The trend seemed to be declining in Anhui province,between 2006 and 20l2.Areas being detected as smails positive were important for theschistosomiasis contr01 program to be carried out in"Anhui province.
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