Factors related to urinary iodine in adults from Shanghai
收稿日期:2013-07-01  出版日期:2014-09-18
中文关键词: 尿碘  碘营养  相关因素
英文关键词: Urinary iodine  Iodine nutrition  Relative factors
任天虹 200092 上海交通大学医学院附属新华医院,上海市环境与儿童健康重点实验室 xdyu1108@163.com 
余晓丹 200092 上海交通大学医学院附属新华医院,上海市环境与儿童健康重点实验室  
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      目的 探索影响尿碘水平的相关因素及造成尿碘异常的高危因素。方法在上海交通大学医学院附属新华医院体检中心随机抽取12家单位994名正常成年人,平均年龄(41.8±10.5)岁。收集晨尿,并进行性别、年龄、甲状腺疾病史、24h饮食回顾等问卷调查,采用EmPower@软件进行logistic分析。结果人群尿碘中位数为193.0“班;调整混杂因素后发现性别(P=0.000)、家庭人均月收入(P=O.000)、使用含碘盐(P=O.041)、食用海带(P=O.000)与尿碘水平相关;每月碘盐摄入量多和进食海带致使碘过量(尿碘>300 ug/L)发生的危险度明显增高:每月(每人)食用含碘盐量≥165 g,OR=24.3(95%CI:1.1-523.8,P<0.05);前一天进食海带者,OR=9.6(95%CI:2.6~35.1,P结论性别、家庭人均月收入、摄入含碘盐、食用海带是尿碘水平的独立影响因素;部分人群碘过量可能与进食碘盐及海带量多相关。
      Objective The objective of this study was to analyze the related factors thatinfluencing the level of urinary iodine ( UI). Methods 994 adult cases were selected from medicalcenters. Morning urine was collected and questionnaire including age, sex, family medical history ofthyroid disease administered. Information on previous 24-hour consumption of iodine-containingfoods was collected. Data was analyzed by Empower?software with logistic model. Results Themedian UI level was 193.0 ug/L. After adjusting for potential confounders, gender (P=0.000),familymonthly income per capita (P=0.000), the amount of iodized salt intake(P=0.041),and eating kelps(P=0.000) appeared to be associated with the level of UI. Risk regarding the prevalence of excessUI( >300 ug/L) increased with the increasing amount of salt and kelp consumption: salt consumption>165 g/m (OR=24.3, 95%CI: l.1-523.8, P<0.05);kelp consumption (OR=9.6, 95%CI: 2.6 -35.1,P<0.001).Conclusion UI was associated with factors as: gender, family monthly income percapita, intake of iodized salt and the amount of kelp consumption. Excessive intake of iodine might beassociated with high intake of iodized salt and kelp.
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