Study on the relationship between semen HBV-DNA load and offspring-paternal-vertical-transmission of HBV
收稿日期:2013-08-19  出版日期:2014-09-17
中文关键词: 乙型肝炎病毒  垂直传播  病毒载量  精液  血液
英文关键词: Hepatitis B virus  Vertical transmission  Virus load  Semen  Blood
张荣莲 福建省妇幼保健院教学医院  
王梅颖 泉州市妇幼保健院  
陈起燕 福建省妇幼保健院教学医院 534086942@qq.com 
任坤海 福建省妇幼保健院教学医院  
修晓燕 福建省妇幼保健院教学医院  
邱丽茵 福建省妇幼保健院教学医院  
黄艳红 福建省妇幼保健院教学医院  
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      目的 探讨HBV感染者精液HBV-DNA载量对子代垂直传播的影响。方法 选择福建省妇幼保健院2009年8月至2011年11月初次产前检查孕妇(母)血清HBsAg阴性、丈夫(父)血清HBsAg阳性的138个家庭及其新生儿为研究对象。知情同意下收集孕妇血液、其夫血液和精液及分娩时新生儿脐带血,检测HBV血清学标志物(HBVM)、HBV-DNA。以脐带血HBV-DNA载量≥5 X 102 copies/ml为病例组,脐带血HBV-DNA载量<5×102 copies/ml为对照组。结果 (1)新生儿脐带血HBV-DNA阳性率为34.8%(48/138)、HBsAg阳性率为28.3%(39/138),HBeAg阳性率为15.2%(21/138)。(2)父血清HBVoDNA阳性率为76.8%(106/138)、HBeAg阳性率为42.8%(59/138);精液HBV-DNA阳性率为21.0%(29/138)。(3)单因素分析显示,父血清HBV-DNA阳性、父血清HBeAg阳性、精液HBV-DNA阳性、父对乙型肝炎(乙肝)传播途径及预防方法、乙肝一级家族史为HBV垂直传播的危险因素(P<0.05)。(4)多因素分析显示,父血清HBV-DNA阳性、父HBeAg阳性、精液HBV-DNA阳性为HBV父婴垂直传播的危险因素,OR值(95%CI)分别为5.7(1.1—29.1)、4.2(1.7~10.0)、6.7(2.4~18.9)。(5)父血清HBV-DNA载量与精液HBV-DNA载量存在剂量反应关系。(6)ROC曲线分析表明,父血清HBV-DNA载量为10< sup>5 copies/ml、精液HBV-DNA载量为10 3 copies/ml其预测的敏感度和特异度较高,是预测发生HBV垂直传播的分界点。结论 父血清HBV-DNA阳性、父HBeAg阳性、精液HBV-DNA阳性是HBV父婴垂直传播的危险因素;父血清HBV-DNA载量>105 copies/ml、精液HBV-DNA载量>103 copies/ml时,增加父婴HBV垂直传播的阳性率。
      Objective To explore the relationship between HBV DNA load and the offspring vertical transmission of HBV Methods 138 families who had taken the examination between August 2009 and November 2011 but the HBsAg of the housewife was negative, were chosen as research objects. Blood from the couples and sperms from the husbands during pregnancy were followed and collected for detection on related indicators. Cord blood was sampled after delivery for HBVM and HBV-DNA quantification. Those with HBV DNA load ,5 X lOz copies/ml were chosen as cases while those <5 X lOZ copies/ml were formed as controls, respectively. Results 1)The positive rates of HBV DNA was 34.8% (48/138) in the neonatal cord blood while the positive rates of cord blood HBsAg and HBeAg were 28.3% (39/138) and 15.2% (21/138) respectively. 2) The positive rate of semen HBV DNA was 21.0% (29/138) while the positive rates of paternal serum HBV DNA and HBeAg were 76.8%(106/138) and 42.8% (59/138). 3) Among the positive ones on paternal senun HBV DNA, paternal serum HBeAg, semen HBV-DNA, items as measures taken for HBV vertical transmission and prevention on the fathers and the first class family histories on HBV appeared to be the risk factors for HBV paternal transmission(P<0.05). 4)Data from Multivariate analysis showed that positivities on paternal serum HBV-DNA, paternal serum HBeAg and semen HBV DNA were risk factors for HBV paternal transmission (OR=5.7, 95%CI:1.1-29.1;OR=4.2, 95%CI: 1.7-10.0; OR= 6.7, 95%CI: 2.4-18.9). 5) Dose-response relationships were seen between levels of paternal serum HBV DNA load and cord blood HBV DNA load, between levels of paternal serum HBV DNA load and semen HBV-DNA load, between levels of semen HBV-DNA load and cord blood HBV-DNA load. 6) Results from the analysis on ROC curve showed that paternal serum HBV-DNA load level (105 copies/ml) and semen HBV DNA load level(103 copies/ml) were better demarcation points to forecast the occurrence of paternal transmission of HBV , because of the better sensitivity and specificity they had. Conclusion Items as positives on paternal serum HBV DNA, paternal serum HBeAg and semen HBV-DNA were risk factors for HBV paternal transmission. When paternal serum HBV DNA load>105 copies/ml and semen HBV DNA load>103 copies/ml appeared, the positive rate of HBV paternal transmission would increase.
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