Sources of infection on human plague in Qinghai province
收稿日期:2013-09-15  出版日期:2014-09-17
中文关键词: 鼠疫  差异区段基因分型技术  溯源
英文关键词: Plague  Different region molecular typing techniques  Infection source
李存香 青海省地方病预防控制所鼠疫预防控制科, 811602, 西宁  
魏柏青 青海省地方病预防控制所鼠疫预防控制科, 811602, 西宁  
熊浩明 青海省地方病预防控制所鼠疫预防控制科, 811602, 西宁  
祁美英 青海省地方病预防控制所鼠疫预防控制科, 811602, 西宁  
杨晓艳 青海省地方病预防控制所鼠疫预防控制科, 811602, 西宁  
辛有全 青海省地方病预防控制所鼠疫预防控制科, 811602, 西宁  
魏荣杰 青海省地方病预防控制所鼠疫预防控制科, 811602, 西宁  
靳娟 青海省地方病预防控制所鼠疫预防控制科, 811602, 西宁  
代瑞霞 青海省地方病预防控制所鼠疫预防控制科, 811602, 西宁 Email:drx200907@163.com 
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      目的 对1958--2012年青海省人间鼠疫流行期间自鼠疫患者和尸体中分离的129株鼠疫菌进行病原学研究。方法 采用常规方法和分子生物学技术对鼠疫菌进行病原学研究,同时采用差异区段(DFR)基因分型技术对2004年囊谦县、2009年兴海县人间肺鼠疫暴发疫情进行溯源分析。结果 119株鼠疫菌中,205株属青藏高原型菌株,6株属祁连山型菌株,8株菌具有特殊生化特性;84.03%(100/219)的鼠疫菌具有4个毒力因子(F1+、Pst I+、VW+、Pgm+)。测试的74株菌中,72株(97.30%)为强毒菌;携带大质粒52×106、65X 106、92×106的菌株主要分布于海南、海北、海西、玉树、果洛、黄南6个州和湟源县;鼠疫菌DFR基因型以5、8型为主。其中5型占44.54%(53/119),分布于都兰、湟源、玉树、杂多、治多、称多、曲麻莱、玛多、囊谦、祁连等地区;8型占32.77%(39/119),分布于祁连山南北麓、青海湖环湖地区。2004年囊谦县肺鼠疫暴发分离株均为10型;2009年兴海县肺鼠疫暴发分离株(来自鼠疫患者、人尸和牧犬体内)的基因型均为8型。结论 本次试验菌株均具备青藏高原鼠疫病原体特性。菌株溯源分析显示,基于DFR的鼠疫菌基因分型与流行病学调查一致,可用于确定传染源。
      Objective To study the biological and genetic characteristics of 119 strains of Yersinia pesos isolated from plague patients in Qinghai province, from 1958-2012. Methods Both regular methods and different region (DFR) molecular typing techniques were used to study the epidemiological characteristics on 119 strains of Y. pestisin Qinghai during 1958-2012. Sources of Y. pesos from two outbreaks, in Nangqian county in 2004 and in Xinghai county in 2009, Qinghai province were also analyzed. Results 105 strains of Y. pesos were identified as Qinghai-Tibet Plateau Ecotype while the other 6 strains as Qilian Mountains Ecotype. 84.03%(100/119) of the tested strains carried 4 virulence factors F1+,Pst I十,V W+ and Pgm+ ). 97.30% ( 72174 ) of the tested strains showed high virulence. Strains that carrying 52 X 106, 65 X 106, 92 X 106 plasmids were distributed in Hainan, Haibei, Haixi, Yushu, Guoluo, Huangnan and Huangyuan counties. Genomovar 5 and 8 were the main genetypes that circling around Qinghai Lake. Genomovar 10 was found in strains of Y. pestisin Nangqian county while Genomovar 8 was found in the strains isolated from human plague patient during the epidemics in Xinghai county in Qinghai. Conclusion Data from biological and genetic analyses on the epidemics of human plague in Nangqian county in 2004 and in Xinghai county in 2009 demonstrated that methods as DFR genotyping and virulence factors profiles, as well as plasmids profiles were powerful tools in confirming the human plague epidemics and sources of infection.
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