Study on HIV viral load in plasma and drug resistance among AIDS pafients receiving antiretroviral treatment in Dehong prefecture,Yunnan province
收稿日期:2013-11-16  出版日期:2015-04-27
中文关键词: 艾滋病  抗病毒治疗  病毒载量  耐药
英文关键词: AIDS  Antiretroviral  treatmentViralload  Drug resistance
姚仕堂 云南省德宏州疾病预防控制中心, 芒市 678400  
杨锦 云南省德宏州疾病预防控制中心, 芒市 678400  
周琳 复旦大学公共卫生学院公共卫生安全教育部重点实验室流行病学教研室  
李艳玲 云南省德宏州疾病预防控制中心, 芒市 678400  
王继宝 云南省德宏州疾病预防控制中心, 芒市 678400  
高洁许 云南省德宏州疾病预防控制中心, 芒市 678400  
元武 陇川县人民医院  
杨文芹 盈江县人民医院  
李品银 瑞丽市民族医院  
时允 芒市人民医院  
章银娣 德宏州人民医院  
曹东冬 德宏州人民医院  
杨关松 梁河县人民医院  
翟志坚 畹町医院  
项丽芬 云南省德宏州疾病预防控制中心, 芒市 678400  
杨跃诚 云南省德宏州疾病预防控制中心, 芒市 678400  
叶润华 云南省德宏州疾病预防控制中心, 芒市 678400  
何纳 复旦大学公共卫生学院公共卫生安全教育部重点实验室流行病学教研室 nhe@shmu.edu.cn 
段松 云南省德宏州疾病预防控制中心, 芒市 678400 dhduansong@sina.com.cn 
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      目的 了解云南省德宏州艾滋病患者接受抗病毒治疗后HIV病毒抑制率及耐药突变情况。方法 对德宏州截止2012年12月31日入组、抗病毒治疗半年以上、年龄≥15岁的全部在治患者进行血浆HIV病毒载量(vL)检测及耐药相关基因位点突变监测。结果 符合入选标准的病例共4390例,其中3964例(90.3%)参加了本研究,2307例(58.2%)研究对象CD4+T淋巴细胞计数在350cells/mm3以上。3169例(79.9%)研究对象血浆VL低于检测下限。其中,瑞丽市、女性、年龄在45岁以上、已婚、异性传播、治疗时间>5年、CD4+T淋巴细胞计数>500cells/mm3的患者中血浆vL低于检测下限者所占比例显著高于其他患者,差异有统计学意义。402例(10.1%)患者血浆vL≥l000copy/ml,其中353例(87.8%)成功进行了耐药相关基因位点突变检测,并有198例(56.1%)检测发现耐药基因突变,以核苷类反转录酶抑制剂(NRTIs)和非核苷类反转录酶抑制剂(M非TIs)耐药为主,分别以M184V和K103N突变最为常见。有12例(3.4%)患者存在蛋白酶抑制剂(PI)耐药基因突变。多因素logistic回归分析显示:治疗时间及初始治疗药物组合对耐药发生率的影响有统计学意义。结论 云南省德宏州艾滋病患者接受抗病毒治疗后,HI抑制率较高,但在病毒抑制效果不好的患者中耐药比例较高,需继续加强抗病毒治疗依从性教育,并及时做好血浆vL检测及耐药监测工作。
      0bjective To understand HIV rival suppression and drug resistance(H1VDR)among AIDS patients who were receiving antiretroviral treatment(ART)in Dehong prefecture,Yunnan province.Methods All AIDS patients who were aged over 1 5 years and with experiencemore than six months on ART by the end of 2012 in Dehong prefecture,were enrolled to receive testing for HIV viral load in plasma and genetic mutations associated with HIVDR.Results A totalof 4 390 AIDS patients were qualified for the study according to the selection criteria.of whom 3 964 (90.3%)finally participated in the study.Among them,2 307(58.2%)had CD4+cell counts more than 350 cells/mm3.3 169(79.9%)patients showed undetectable plasma HIV viral load which was lower than the detection threshold.Those who had the following factors as:resided in Ruili city.being female,older than 45 years of age,married,heterosexually infected with HIV.having received ART more than 5 years,and CD4+ cell counts>500 cells/ram3.were more likely to have undetectable plasma virus load,with the differences statistically significant.402(10.1%)patients had plasma viral 10ad≥l 000 copies/ml,of whom 353(87.8%)were successfully amplified and examined for HⅣDR.Among them,1 98(56.1%)were identified to bear genetic mutations associated witll HIVDR.Most mutations were related to the resistance to nucleotide reverse transcriotase inhibitors (NNRTIs)or non-nucleotide reverse transcriptase inhibitors(NNRTIs).wim M184V and K103N most frequently seen.12 patients(3.4%)were found to have mutations resistant to protease inhibitors (P1).Data from multiple logistic regression analysis indicated that the period of receiving ARTand the initial ART regimen could both significantly predict the occurrence of HIV resistance.Conclusion Viral suppression was highly achieved among ART-prescribed AIDS patients in Dehong prefecture,Yunnan province.However,among those who did not show effective viral suppression.the proportion of HIVDR was high.underscoring the needs for health education SO as to improve the adherence to drugs as well as for improving testing for viralload and HⅣDR amonz AIDS patients.
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