王坚英,朱火明,陈亚琴,张意坚.浙江省仙居县589 例小儿手足口病流行病学分析[J].中华流行病学杂志,2014,35(6):708-709
浙江省仙居县589 例小儿手足口病流行病学分析
Epidemiological analysis on 589 children with hand-foot-mouth disease from Xianju county of Zhejiang province
收稿日期:2014-03-23  出版日期:2014-09-02
中文关键词: 手足口病  流行病学
英文关键词: Hand-foot-mouth disease  Epidemiology
王坚英 317300 浙江省仙居县人民医院儿科  
朱火明 感染科  
陈亚琴 护理部 xyhlb@163.com 
张意坚 仙居县疾病预防控制中心  
摘要点击次数: 3429
全文下载次数: 1441
      目的 探讨小儿手足口病流行病学特征。方法 以浙江省仙居县2013 年度经临床和实验室确诊的589 例手足口病患儿为研究对象,分析性别、年龄、发病月份、地区分布和临床表现等。结果 仙居县该年度手足口病患病率为102.72/10 万,其中12 例为重症病例,无死亡病例;男女患儿比例为1.29 ∶ 1,男性明显多于女性,性别间患病率比较,差异有统计学意义(χ2=14.274,P<0.001);患儿主要以0~3 岁为主(94.74%);发病时间集中在4-8 月和11 月,其中4 月为高发期;发病地区以乡村和城郊地区为主,分别占45.50%和30.73%;患儿主要为幼托和散居儿童,分别占51.10%和40.92%;临床表现主要为发热和手、足、口及臀部不同程度的疱疹或丘疹。结论 手足口病多发生在卫生知识相对缺乏地区,发病以年龄较小儿童为主,且具有一定季节性。
      Objective To investigate the epidemiological characteristics of hand-foot-mouth disease. Methods A total of 589 children from Xianju county,Zhejiang province with hand-footmouth disease in 2013 were recruited in the study and the diagnosis went through clinical and laboratory confirmation. Attributes that were analyzed included gender,age,month of occurrence, regional distribution and clinical presentation. Results The incidence rate of hand-foot-mouth disease in Xianju county for the year was 102.72/100 000,with 12 severe cases but no death. There were clearly more boys than girls,with a male to female ratio of 1.29 ∶1,which was statistically significant(χ 2=14.274,P<0.001). The vast majority of patients were 0-3 years old,representing 94.74% of the patients. The occurrences were concentrated in the period from April to August and November,with April as the high-incidence season. High incidence areas were the countryside and suburbs,making up 45.50% and 30.73%,respectively,of all cases. Most patients were in preschools or scattered home care environments,accounting for 51.10% and 40.92%,respectively. Clinical presentation was characterized by fever and various kinds of vesicles or papules at the hand,foot, mouth or buttocks. Conclusion Most of hand-foot-mouth disease cases occur in younger children in areas with inadequate knowledge of hygiene,with seasonal variation.
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