Impact analysis on the health management programs among community-based 0-36-month-olds on their growth and development
收稿日期:2014-06-18  出版日期:2014-11-07
中文关键词: 健康管理  生长发育  0~36月龄儿童
英文关键词: Health management  Growth and development  Children aged 0 to 36 months
杨慧敏 100020 北京, 首都儿科研究所  
肖峰 100020 北京, 首都儿科研究所  
尹德卢 100020 北京, 首都儿科研究所  
李瑞莉 100020 北京, 首都儿科研究所  
辛倩倩 100020 北京, 首都儿科研究所  
政晓果 100020 北京, 首都儿科研究所  
殷涛 100020 北京, 首都儿科研究所  
王利红 100020 北京, 首都儿科研究所  
崔明明 100020 北京, 首都儿科研究所  
许琪 100020 北京, 首都儿科研究所  
陈博文 100020 北京, 首都儿科研究所 bowenc@126.com 
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      目的 分析健康管理对0~36月龄社区儿童生长发育状况的影响。方法 采用多阶段分层随机抽样方法在全国8个试点区共选择18个社区卫生服务中心作为监测机构,实施社区0~36月龄儿童健康管理,以辖区内参与管理的0~36月龄儿童为研究对象,收集其健康档案资料。结果 2008-2010年共有13 464名0~36月龄社区儿童参与健康管理,完成59 648人次随访,其中男童7 306名(54.26%)。通过构建多层线性模型发现,相对于非规范管理组,规范管理组儿童平均身高(长)增长更快;规范管理组儿童体重增长得到了更有效控制。同时随着随访次数增加,管理儿童低体重、生长迟缓、消瘦和超重患病率均呈显著下降趋势(P<0.05)。结论 社区0~36月龄儿童的健康管理可有效改善生长发育状况。
      Objective To analyze the impact of implementation on health management programs among the community-based 0-36-month-olds regarding their growth and development. Methods 18 Monitoring Bodies in 8 pilot areas were selected to enroll this study,using a multistage stratified cluster sampling method. All the children aged 0 to 36 months were followed,according to the health management specification, and their health archives were collected. Results A total of 13 464 children were involved in the specified management program with a total of 59 648 person-time under follow-up,with 54.26% of them were boys. Results from the multi-layer linear model indicated that the average height of children in the specified management group was higher than that in the non-standardized management group. Children in the specification management group,their weight gain had also been more effectively controlled. At the same time,with the increasing number of follow-ups according to the specification,the prevalence rates of under weight,stunt,emaciation and overweight were all significantly decreased (P<0.05). Conclusion The implementation of the community-based programs on 0-36-month-olds regarding their health management specification had improved children's growth and development.
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