Intervention caused changes in high risk sex behaviors among female sex workers from Vietnam in Yunnan,2009-2013
收稿日期:2015-02-12  出版日期:2015-09-10
中文关键词: 越南跨境暗娼  行为干预  危险性行为
英文关键词: Female sex workers from Vietnam  Behavior intervention  High risk sex behaviors
薛皓铭 650228 昆明云迪行为与健康研究中心  
罗志 650228 昆明云迪行为与健康研究中心  
朱志斌 云南省河口县疾病预防控制中心  
杨溪 云南省河口县疾病预防控制中心  
杨丽华 650228 昆明云迪行为与健康研究中心  
杨佳 650228 昆明云迪行为与健康研究中心  
朵林 云南省第二人民医院 duolin@hotmail.com 
刘文骏 昆明医科大学公共卫生学院  
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      目的 分析越南跨境流动低档暗娼在5年干预条件下HIV相关高危性行为和HIV感染率变化情况,为后续干预工作提供科学依据。方法 重复横断面调查,调查对象为2009-2013年期间中越边境云南省某县固定场所的越南籍跨境流动暗娼,连续5年持续开展双语同伴教育、艾滋病相关培训讲座、参与式游戏、免费发放安全套干预服务等。每年均由经培训懂双语外展人员进行问卷调查和访谈,收集人口学特征、高危性行为等,同时采血进行HIV血清学检测。结果 5年来,最近一个月安全套坚持使用率分别为1.5%、36.0%、67.7%、86.5%、90.3%(P< 0.05),最近一次安全套使用率为89.5%、44.8%、86.6%、92.5%、99.0%(P< 0.05)。HIV阳性检出率分别为7.5%、3.6%、5.9%、4.0%、3.1%(P >0.05)。结论 经过5年干预,跨境流动暗娼商业性行为时安全套使用率显著提高,HIV感染率仍保持较高水平,应提高跨境流动暗娼与固定性伴的安全套使用,加强对嫖客的宣传干预及培训。
      Objective To understand the prevalence of high risk sex behaviors and HIV infection status among the female sex workers (FSWs) from Vietnam in Yunnan province during a 5 year intervention project and provide evidence for the improvement of the behavior intervention among this population. Methods The survey was conducted annually among Vietnamese FSWs sampled in a county near China-Vietnam border to collect the information about their demographic characteristics,high risk sex behaviors and HIV test results through questionnaire and in-depth interview by bilingual outreach team. The behavior intervention included peer advise,training,lectures,interactive games,free condom distribution. The database was set up with Excel 2003 and the results were analyzed with SPSS 16.0. Results The condom use rates among the Vietnamese FSWs at commercial sex in last month were 1.5%,36.0%,67.7%,86.5% and 90.3%(P< 0.05) respectively;and the condom use rates at the latest sex were 89.5%,44.8%,86.6%,92.5% and 99.0% respectively(P< 0.05). The HIV antibody positive rates were 7.5%,3.6%,5.9%,4.0% and 3.1% respectively (P >0.05). Conclusion The condom use rate of Vietnamese FSWs at commercial sex increased by more than 90% after the 5 year intervention project. However,the HIV-infection rate was still high. It is necessary to promote condom use among FSWs from Vietnam and their regular sex partners and strengthen the health education among clients.
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