Pre-and post-iodine nutritional status among the population related to the practice of new standard on edible iodized salt, in Yunnan province
收稿日期:2015-04-05  出版日期:2015-12-15
中文关键词: 碘缺乏病  食用碘盐  碘营养
英文关键词: Iodine deficiency disorders  Edible iodizedsalt  Iodine nutrition
郭玉熹 671000 大理, 云南省地方病防治所  
叶枫 671000 大理, 云南省地方病防治所  
吴鹤松 671000 大理, 云南省地方病防治所  
王安伟 671000 大理, 云南省地方病防治所  
马琳 671000 大理, 云南省地方病防治所  
李加国 671000 大理, 云南省地方病防治所  
张浩伟 671000 大理, 云南省地方病防治所  
张海涛 671000 大理, 云南省地方病防治所  
史亮晶 671000 大理, 云南省地方病防治所  
黄开莲 671000 大理, 云南省地方病防治所  
黄文丽 671000 大理, 云南省地方病防治所 hwenli63@163.com 
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      目的 了解2012 年云南省下调食用盐碘浓度后试点县/市居民碘营养状况,评价新标准碘盐对普通人群碘营养水平的适宜性。方法 在食用碘盐新标准投放前及投放后3周和3个月分别检测5个试点县/市居民碘盐和尿碘。结果 普通人群3个时段尿碘M(MUI)均呈下降趋势,分别为279.71、239.64和226.26 μg/L;食用碘盐按新标准投放后,人群尿碘值为100~199 μg/L的比例较按原标准时增加,而≥300 μg/L的比例较前减少;显示新标准碘盐均一性和稳定性均好。结论 食用新标准碘盐后,调查地区普通人群碘营养水平的适宜性好,新标准食用碘盐更适合普通人群预防碘缺乏病的需求。
      Objective In order to understand the iodine nutritional status, after the salt-iodine content was showed a reduction in 2012 and to evaluate the current situation after the new standards was brought into force to the general population in an experimental community of Yunnan province. Methods Randomly sampled urine and salt were collected, to test the iodine concentration in the study-site. Pre-and post-levels of the iodized salt under the provision of the new standards, were identified. Results of this study were gathered upon 3 weeks or 3 months, respectively. Results Data from the three randomly chosen study sites showed that the urine iodine concentration in the general populations was reducing gradually. In the general population, medians of Urine Iodine (MUI) were 279.71 μg/L, 239.64 μg/L and 226.26 μg/L, respectively. Proportion of the urine iodine value for 100-199 μg/L increased but ≥300 μg/L decreased, after the new standard was put into practice. Both homogeneity and stability of the new standard on iodized salt seemed to be good. Conclusion Iodine nutrition in general population appeared reasonable under the use of newly set salt-iodine standards in general population living in Yunnan province.
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