Distribution of both HBsAg and HBsAb negative adults in Mianyang, Sichuan province
收稿日期:2015-06-26  出版日期:2016-01-12
中文关键词: 肝炎,乙型  肝炎病毒表面抗原,乙型  肝炎病毒表面抗体,乙型  免疫策略  成年人
英文关键词: Hepatitis B  Hepatitis B surface antigens  Hepatitis B antibodies  Immunization policy  Adult
成姝雯 610041 成都, 四川大学华西公共卫生学院  
肖川 610041 成都, 四川大学华西公共卫生学院  
王旻 610041 成都, 四川大学华西公共卫生学院  
王岚 610041 成都, 华西医院呼吸与危重症医学科  
王娟 610041 成都, 感染性疾病中心  
任涛 621051 四川省绵阳市涪城区疾病预防控制中心  
王丽萍 621700 四川省江油市疾病预防控制中心  
文小华 610041 成都, 四川大学华西公共卫生学院  
张文豪 610041 成都, 四川大学华西公共卫生学院  
袁萍 610041 成都, 四川大学华西公共卫生学院 yuanp1117@scu.edu.cn 
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      目的 分析四川省绵阳市≥15岁人群HBsAg与HBsAb双阴分布情况,为制定成年人免疫策略提供参考依据。方法 2013年6月至2014年4月,采用多阶段分层整群随机抽样方法,抽取绵阳市200 929名≥15岁人群作为研究对象,对其进行问卷调查并采集血标本,用ELISA对血清中HBsAg、HBsAb进行检测,HBsAg、HBsAb检测结果均为阴性称双阴。结果 绵阳市≥15岁人群HBsAg阳性13 903人(7.0%),HBsAb阳性93 763人(46.6%),HBsAg与HBsAb双阴93 122人(46.3%);女性双阴率为47.1%(54 333/115 462),高于男性的45.4%(38 789/85 467);双阴率随年龄增大而增加,15~24岁人群双阴率最低,为42.9%(11 694/27 290),≥65岁人群双阴率最高,为50.3%(18 448 /36 702);农民的双阴率最高,为51.1%(60 910/119 138),医务人员双阴率最低,为24.1%(466/1 936);丧偶人群双阴率最高,为51.1%(4 512/8 823),未婚人群双阴率最低,为41.6%(11 482/27 595);有乙肝家族史人群双阴率为36.5%(837/2 291),无乙肝家族史人群双阴率为46.6%(91 001/195 402);汉族双阴率为46.3%(92 290/199 221),低于羌族的53.1%(473/891),高于其他民族的43.9%(359/817);农村地区人群双阴率为48.9%(55 828/114 174),高于城市人群的43.0%(37 294/86 755);未接种过乙肝疫苗人群双阴率为47.3%(64 584/136 640),高于有接种史人群的43.7%(37 294/37 937)。各年龄组、性别、职业、婚姻状况、乙肝家族史与乙肝疫苗接种史各组间差异均有统计学意义(P <0.01)。结论 绵阳市≥15岁人群HBsAg与HBsAb双阴率较高,人群对HBV普遍易感,应及时制定与实施符合当地情况的成年人乙肝疫苗免疫策略。
      Objective To understand the distribution of both HBsAg and HBsAb negative adults in Mianyang, Sichuan province, and provide evidences for the development of adult immunization policy. Methods From June 2013 to April 2014, a total of 200 929 people aged ≥15 years were selected in Mianyang through stratified cluster random sampling to conduct an interview with standard questionnaire. The blood samples were collected from them for the detection of HBsAg and HBsAb with enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Results Among the people surveyed, 13 903 were HBsAg positive (7.0%), 93 763 were HBsAb positive (46.6%), and 93 122 were both HBsAg and HBsAb negative (46.3%). The negative rate of both HBsAg and HBsAb in females (47.1%) was higher than that in males (45.4%). The negative rate of both HBsAg and HBsAb increased with age. The negative rate of both HBsAg and HBsAb was highest in people aged ≥65 years (50.3%) and lowest in people aged 15-24 years (42.9%). The negative rate of both HBsAg and HBsAb was highest in farmers (51.1%) and lowest in medical workers (24.1%). The negative rate of both HBsAg and HBsAb was highest in the widowed (51.1%) and lowest in the unmarried (41.6%).The negative rate of both HBsAg and HBsAb was lower in people with family history of hepatitis B (36.5%) than in people without family history of hepatitis B (46.6%). The negative rate of both HBsAg and HBsAb in Han ethnic group was lower (46.3%) than that in Qiang ethnic group (53.1%), but higher than that in other ethnic groups (43.9%). The negative rate of both HBsAg and HBsAb was higher in rural area (48.9%) than in urban area (43.0%). The negative rate of both HBsAg and HBsAb was lower in people who had received hepatitis B immunization (43.7%) than in people who had received no hepatitis B immunization (47.3%). The differences were all statistical significant (P <0.01). Conclusion The negative rate of both HBsAg and HBsAb was 46.3% in people aged ≥15 years in Mianyang. General population are susceptible to hepatitis B virus infection. It is necessary to develop and implement appropriate hepatitis B immunization strategy for local adult population.
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