Study on the epidemiological status of tobacco use among teenagers in Zhejiang province, China
收稿日期:2015-06-16  出版日期:2016-02-18
中文关键词: 烟草使用  "二手烟"暴露  青少年  现况调查
英文关键词: Tobacco use  Secondhand smoke exposure  Teenager  Cross-sectional survey
徐越 310051 杭州, 浙江省疾病预防控制中心  
徐水洋 310051 杭州, 浙江省疾病预防控制中心 xu5099109@163.com 
吴青青 310051 杭州, 浙江省疾病预防控制中心  
吕巧红 310051 杭州, 浙江省疾病预防控制中心  
郝刚 310051 杭州, 浙江省疾病预防控制中心  
赵玉遂 310051 杭州, 浙江省疾病预防控制中心  
摘要点击次数: 4443
全文下载次数: 2005
      目的 描述浙江省青少年烟草使用的流行特点,为控制烟草使用提供科学依据。方法 2013年11-12月,采用多阶段整群抽样方法抽取浙江省36所学校共计4 797名青少年进行调查,采用尝试吸烟率、现在吸烟率、二手烟暴露率等指标,依据全省初中学生数进行加权计算。结果 青少年学生尝试和现在吸烟率分别为10.91%和2.07%,烟草易感率为7.72%;其中男生和女生尝试吸烟率分别为15.65%和5.58%,农村学生尝试吸烟率(12.13%)高于城市(9.24%);初三学生尝试吸烟率较高(15.15%),初一学生烟草易感率较低(5.22%),"一周可支配零用钱大于30元"学生组的现在吸烟率较高(4.07%);学生"二手烟"暴露依次是室外公共场所(57.60%)、室内公共场所(54.45%)、公共交通工具(46.97%)和家(43.16%);3 071名学生(77.33%)在过去30 d内看到过吸烟镜头,仅1 367名学生(28.30%)在过去12个月内于课堂上接受过烟草危害的知识。结论 浙江省青少年存在尝试吸烟和现在吸烟现象,"二手烟"暴露率较高,学校缺乏对学生的控烟课堂教育;需要开展控烟干预,加强烟草危害健康知识的传播力度和深度,减少青少年烟草易感人群的比例。
      Objective To describe the prevalence of tobacco use among teenagers in different populations by sex and grades at school, and to provide evidence for the development of smoking control and health promotion programs.Methods A total of 4 797 teenagers selected from 36 schools through stratified multi-stage cluster sampling in Zhejiang province and were surveyed by using a questionnaire with 3 886 eligible ones for analysis.Indicators as tried smoking, current smoking, and secondhand smoke exposure, etc., were calculated by weight on age proportions from the numbers of juniors in Zhejiang province.Results Prevalence rates of tried smoking and current smoking among teenagers were 10.91% and 2.07%, respectively.7.72% of the juniors were susceptible to future tobacco use.The prevalence rates of tried smoking were 15.65% for boys and 5.58% for girls, 12.13% in rural and 9.24% in urban areas.Students from the 9th grade showed the highest rate(15.15%) while the 7th graders appeared the lowest level of susceptibility to future tobacco use(5.22%).The highest level of current smoking was seen in the group of "weekly allowance more than 30 Yuan, from parents"(4.07%).The prevalence of secondhand exposure to smoke in outdoor and indoor places, public transport, or at home were 57.60%, 54.45%, 46.97%, and 43.16%, respectively, among the teenagers.3 071 juniors(77.33%) saw the smoking scenes in the past 30 days but only 1 367 juniors(28.30%) were aware of the basic knowledge on tobaccos in class, in the past 12 months.Conclusions There were juniors who tried to smoke or were current smokers.The rate of secondhand exposure to smoking was high.A large number of the juniors were lack of education on knowledge related to tobacco control, in the classroom.It was important to promote and publicize the knowledge on tobacco so as to reduce the number of teenagers who were susceptible to future tobacco use.
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