Schistosomiasis must be eradicated: a review of fighting schitosomiasis in Qingpu, Shanghai
收稿日期:2016-02-17  出版日期:2016-07-15
中文关键词: 血吸虫病  钉螺  消灭
英文关键词: Schistosomiasis  Oncomelania  Control and eradication elimination
俞顺章 200032 上海, 复旦大学预防医学研究所 
摘要点击次数: 2618
全文下载次数: 2228
      上海市青浦县原是血吸虫病的严重流行区之一。为响应毛主席一定要消灭血吸虫病的号召,1958年原上海第一医学院派出血防试验田小分队参加该地的群众性消灭血吸虫病工作。该地39万居民约39%感染血吸虫,其中晚期占4%,8.4%的耕牛感染血吸虫。经过应用锑剂反复查、治,并建立病情一本账。青浦县查出有螺面积7 000多万平方米,灭螺后,建立了钉螺分布一张图。经过1958-1974年第一阶段防治,1975年调查显示,92%的患者和全部耕牛治愈,在98%的地区消灭了钉螺。1975-1985年,进入巩固、监测的第二阶段。治病方面,从静脉注射锑剂治疗,改为使用口服治疗。灭螺方面,改进了查、灭螺方法,发现钉螺分布服从负二项分布,钉螺聚集于特殊地形,如朱家角钉螺就聚集在石码头下、石驳岸中,经毁其居、灭其族,消灭了当地钉螺。1985年的调查显示,之前钉螺流行的乡镇未发现钉螺,粪检也未发现新感染患者,耕牛也未发现感染。血清流行病学调查4万多人,环卵阳性率仅为0.2%。对初中一、二年级学生和征兵、招工体检近1万人未发现新感染者,也未发现急性血吸虫病患者。青浦县和上海市的其他郊县消灭了血吸虫病。
      Qingpu, in western suburban of Shanghai, was one of serious schistosomiasis endemic counties in China. In 1958, in response to Chairman Mao's call "Schistosomiasis must be eradicated", Shanghai First Medical College organized a research group to carry out schitosomiasis control in Qingpu. The prevalence of schistosomiasis was about 39% in 390 000 people and 8.4% in cattle. Oncomelania was distributed in an area of 70 million meter2. The fighting project could be divided into two steps, the first one was from 1958 to 1974, during this period, the epidemic survey and patient treatment were conducted, and oncomelania control was carried out by using different kind of molluscides. In 1975, up to 92% of patients were cured, and 98% of oncomelania were killed. The second step was from 1975 to 1985, the main tasks were the consolidation of control achievement and surveillance. During this period oral medicines were used instead of venous injections. After the improvement of oncomelania detection method, the oncomelania clustering were found under rock duck and brick shore. In 1985, it was confirmed that schistosomiasis had been eradicated in Qingpu and other suburb areas of Shanghai.
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