A survey of deployment of sidewalks in central urban areas of 12 cities, China
收稿日期:2016-04-11  出版日期:2016-10-13
中文关键词: 体力活动  建成环境  步行道  横断面调查
英文关键词: Physical activity  Built environment  Sidewalks  Cross-sectional survey
谭亚运 215004 苏州市疾病预防控制中心
100191 北京大学公共卫生学院 流行病与卫生统计学系 
梁宝婧 100191 北京大学公共卫生学院 流行病与卫生统计学系  
吴超群 100037 北京, 中国医学科学院阜外医院, 北京协和医学院, 国家心血管病中心, 心血管疾病国家重点实验室  
吕筠 100191 北京大学公共卫生学院 流行病与卫生统计学系 lvjun@bjmu.edu.cn 
李立明 100191 北京大学公共卫生学院 流行病与卫生统计学系  
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      目的 了解中国12个城市中心城区步行道配备、维护情况及其与城市经济水平、区域居住密度和街道繁荣程度间的关联。方法 以北京、天津、上海、青岛、杭州、绍兴、苏州、南通、镇江、成都、西宁、哈尔滨共12个城市的54个中心城区333个调查点内所有的道路为调查对象,于2012年采用观察法调查道路两侧步行道的配备及维护情况。结果 共有4 255条路段纳入分析,其中有71.1%的路段配有步行道。12个城市中配备步行道的路段比例最高的城市为青岛(91.9%)和哈尔滨(90.6%),最低的是苏州(48.6%)和绍兴(52.6%)。12个城市在步行道配备及维护各方面差异均有统计学意义,高经济水平城市的步行道配备和路面维护情况较好、阻碍较少,但步行道隔离连续性较差、划线停车较多。相比低居住密度区域,高居住密度区域的步行道隔离连续性较差、步行道较窄,同时划线停车和阻碍较多。道路繁荣度越高,步行道配备和步行道宽度的情况越好,但隔离连续性、路面维护状况越差,划线停车和阻碍也更多。结论 12个城市步行道配备及维护状况差异具有统计学意义,12个城市步行道的配备情况还存在进一步改善的空间。建议在进行城市道路规划时,结合当地人口密度和实际的交通需求,合理配备步行道;同时加强城市管理,减少步行道上的阻碍。
      Objective To explore the deployment of sidewalks and the possible relationship with local GDP, population density and prosperity of streets in 12 cities selected in China. Methods For all the streets in 333 blocks of 12 cities surveyed (Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, Qingdao, Hangzhou, Shaoxing, Suzhou, Nantong, Zhenjiang, Chengdu, Xining and Harbin), the deployment and management of sidewalks were observed. And we collected the GDP data of the 12 cities, the population data of 333 blocks, and the numbers of stores and restaurants along the streets. Results A total of 4 255 streets were included in the study. In the 12 cities, 71.1% of the streets had sidewalks. The deployment rates of sidewalks was high in Qingdao (91.9%) and Harbin (90.6%), and low in Suzhou (48.6%) and Shaoxing (52.6%), the differences were significant. The higher GDP of city was, the more sidewalks were deployed. But on the other hand there were more parking cars and obstacles on the sidewalks. The higher the population density was, the worse the condition of sidewalks was. Conclusions The survey of sidewalks in the 12 cities indicated that efforts could be made to improve the condition of sidewalks. Attention should be paid not only to the deployment of sidewalks, but also the management of sidewalks. Reasonable deployment of sidewalks should be considered according to the local population density and traffic flow.
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