Selection of peer educators for sex education program-based on data from social network analysis among college freshmen students
收稿日期:2016-07-08  出版日期:2016-12-12
中文关键词: 社会网络分析  同伴教育  性教育  大学新生
英文关键词: Social network analysis  Peer educators  Sex education  College freshmen
杨义 611137 成都中医药大学管理学院社会医学与卫生事业管理教研室 thehanyang@163.com 
邓华 611137 成都中医药大学管理学院社会医学与卫生事业管理教研室  
杨帆 611137 成都中医药大学医学技术学院学生科  
李彦霖 610017 成都市第二人民医院泌尿外科  
摘要点击次数: 3621
全文下载次数: 2625
      目的 通过社会网络调查与分析,结合“关键人物”本人意愿,确定性教育同伴教育者。方法 2014年3月通过自填式问卷调查,收集四川省成都市某中医药大学2个班119名大学新生人口学信息、个体社会网络以及“以班级为单位”的整体社会网络信息,运用SPSS 23.0软件对人口学信息进行描述分析,UCINET 6软件分析社会网络并绘制网络示意图。结果 调查对象最主要的行为亲密和私密话题网络成员是大学同学,调查对象能够获得大学同学经济支持、与其外出玩耍和聊私密话题的比例分别为95.8%(114/119)、96.6%(115/119)和91.6%(109/119)。调查对象向大学同学寻求健康咨询的比例为89.1%(106/119)。2个班共确定性教育同伴教育者17人,其中10人为班干部。结论 大学同学是大学生最重要的社会网络成员,社会网络分析可确定合适的同伴教育者。
      Objective Through combining the results from social network analysis and willingness of the key actors, peer educators for sex education among freshmen to select peer educators for sex education. Methods Self-developed questionnaires were used to collect information on related demographics, egocentric social networks and whole class-based unit-network. Descriptive analysis was applied. UCINET 6 was used to conduct social network analysis and to draw the whole networking graphs. Results Classmates appeared as the most important behavior intimate social network (95.8% claimed they could potentially borrow money from them, and 96.6% often went out with them) and were the most important members who could share privacy information with (91.6%) and consulting for private health information on (89.1%), among freshmen students in college. Finally, 17 freshmen were selected to have become peer educators, with 10 of them as the committee members in the class. Conclusion Classmates formed the most important social network among freshmen students in college. Social network analysis could be used to help identify the suitable peer educators.
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