Status and related factors of self-reported pain among working-age population in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region
收稿日期:2016-06-30  出版日期:2016-12-12
中文关键词: 自我报告疼痛  劳动年龄人口  相关因素
英文关键词: Self-reported pain  Working-age population  Related factors
郝瑞祺 010110 呼和浩特, 内蒙古医科大学公共卫生学院  
王学梅 010110 呼和浩特, 内蒙古医科大学公共卫生学院  
杜茂林 010110 呼和浩特, 内蒙古医科大学公共卫生学院 dumaolin2016@163.com 
尹韶华 010110 呼和浩特, 内蒙古医科大学公共卫生学院  
舒薇 010110 呼和浩特, 内蒙古医科大学公共卫生学院  
郑会秋 010110 呼和浩特, 内蒙古医科大学公共卫生学院  
梁丹艳 010110 呼和浩特, 内蒙古医科大学公共卫生学院  
王瑞琪 010110 呼和浩特, 内蒙古医科大学公共卫生学院  
刘丹 010110 呼和浩特, 内蒙古医科大学公共卫生学院  
李世元 010110 呼和浩特, 内蒙古医科大学公共卫生学院  
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全文下载次数: 1974
      目的 评估内蒙古自治区(内蒙古)劳动年龄人口的自我报告疼痛现状,探讨其相关因素。方法 本研究为横断面研究,数据来源于内蒙古第五次卫生服务调查资料。数据分析采用SPSS 19.0软件,计数资料统计描述采用例数(百分比,%),采用 χ2检验比较不同特征人群自我报告疼痛患病的差异,利用非条件logistic回归模型分析自我报告疼痛患病的相关因素。结果 共纳入劳动年龄人口11 480人,自我报告疼痛患病率为12.3%,中度、重度疼痛患病率分别为11.6%、0.7%。非条件logistic回归分析结果显示,贫困者自我报告疼痛的风险是非贫困者的1.718倍(OR=1.718,95%CI:1.381~2.831);乡镇人口比城市人口自我报告疼痛的风险高(OR=2.506,95%CI:2.030~3.092);患慢性病者自我报告疼痛的风险是不患慢性病者的2.880倍(OR=2.880,95%CI:2.474~3.352);性别与年龄之间存在交互作用,≥45岁的女性更容易自我报告疼痛(OR=1.300,95%CI:1.072~1.577)。正在吸烟、已戒烟、有焦虑/抑郁、偏瘦也是自我报告疼痛的独立危险因素。结论 内蒙古劳动年龄人口自我报告疼痛患病率较高,贫困、≥45岁、有吸烟史、患慢性病、焦虑/抑郁者为自我报告疼痛的重点关注人群。
      Objective To describe the status and related factors of self-reported pain among working-age population in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region (Inner Mongolia). Methods A cross-sectional study was conducted. Data was from the Inner Mongolia fifth health services survey. SPSS 19.0 software package was used for data analysis and χ2 test was to compare the prevalence of self-reported pain in population with different characteristics. Unconditional logistic regression model was used to analyze the related factors on self-reported pain. Results A total of 11 480 working-age population was involved in this survey, with prevalence of self-reported pain among working age population as 12.3%. The prevalence rates of moderate and severe pain were 11.6% and 0.7%, respectively. Results from the unconditional logistic regression analysis showed that, in the economically poor population, the risk of self-reported pain was 1.718 times of the relatively rich people (OR=1.718, 95%CI:1.381-2.831). In the rural areas, the risk of self-reported pain was higher than that in the urban population (OR=2.506, 95%CI:2.030-3.092) and people with chronic illnesses had 2.880 times higher risk than those who did not have the diseases (OR=2.880, 95%CI:2.474-3.352). There was an interaction noticed between gender and age. Women at or above 45 years old were more likely to develop self-report pain (OR=1.300, 95%CI:1.072-1.577). Again, factors as people who were current or former smokers, who were suffering from anxiety or depression, being skinny etc. appeared as independently related to the self-reported pain. Conclusion In working age population of Inner Mongolia, a high prevalence of self-reported pain was seen. Data showed that people who were poor, age at 45 or older, having history of smoking, with chronic diseases and anxiety/depression were risk factors related to self-reported pain.
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