Phylogenetic analysis of envelope gene of dengue virus serotype 2 in Guangzhou, 2001-2015
收稿日期:2016-08-08  出版日期:2017-01-12
中文关键词: 登革病毒  E基因  分子进化
英文关键词: Dengue virus  Envelope gene  Molecular evolution
刘远 510440 广州市疾病预防控制中心消毒杀虫部  
蒋力云 510440 广州市疾病预防控制中心病毒免疫部  
罗雷 510440 广州市疾病预防控制中心消毒杀虫部  
曹毅敏 510440 广州市疾病预防控制中心病毒免疫部  
景钦隆 510440 广州市疾病预防控制中心传染病预防控制部  
杨智聪 510440 广州市疾病预防控制中心传染病预防控制部 yangzc@gzcdc.org.cn 
摘要点击次数: 4063
全文下载次数: 1979
      目的 了解2001-2015年广州市登革病毒2型(DENV2)的流行情况;通过对分离DENV2 E基因的进化树和分子钟分析,掌握毒株的进化情况和趋势。方法 将登革热确诊病例的血清用荧光PCR进行检测,DENV阳性血清用C6/36细胞进行病毒分离,测定分离毒株的E基因序列,利用Mega 4.0软件构建进化树,采用BEASTv1.8.2绘制分子进化钟。结果 2001-2015年共分离到26株DENV2,从基因型上分类属于全球型和亚洲1型,并与东南亚地区分离到的毒株相似率较高;BEASTv1.8.2计算出广州市DENV2全球型在46年前和35年前进一步出现亚型的分化,广州市DENV2的平均变异率为每年每位点7.1×10-4结论 广州市DENV2与东南亚地区的毒株有较高同源性和进化上的联系,广州市DENV的输入压力较大,存在重症登革热暴发的潜在风险。流行于广州市的全球型DENV2可能存在2个不同输入来源,广州市DENV2的变异率与周边地区基本持平。
      Objective To investigate the molecular characteristics of dengue virus serotype 2 (DENV2) in Guangzhou during 2001-2015, and analyze the E gene of the strains isolated, the phylogenetic tree and molecular clock were constructed to know about the evolution of the strains.Methods The serum samples of the patients were detected by real time PCR, and positive samples were used to isolate dengue virus by using C6/36 cells. The E gene of the isolated strains were sequenced. The phylogenetic tree was constructed by using software Mega 4.0, and the molecular clock was drawn by using software BEASTv1.8.2. Results Twenty-six dengue virus strains were isolated between 2001 and 2015. They were all clustered into 2 genotypes, i.e. cosmopolitan genotype and Asian genotypeⅠ. The strains isolated in Guangzhou shared high homology with Southeast Asian strains. The cosmopolitan genotype was divided into 2 sub-genotype at about 46 and 35 years ago. The substitution rate of dengue virus serotype 2 in Guangzhou was 7.1×10-4 per year per site. Conclusions There were close relationship between the Guangzhou strains and Southeast Asian strains. Guangzhou was at high risk of imported dengue fever, outbreak of dengue hemorrhagic fever and dengue shock syndrome. There might be two ways of introduction of cosmopolitan genotype. The substitution rate of the strains in Guangzhou was similar to that in the neighbor countries.
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