A cross-sectional study on the status of tobacco use among junior middle school students in Shaanxi province
收稿日期:2017-06-16  出版日期:2018-02-10
中文关键词: 烟草使用  吸烟  初中生
英文关键词: Tobacco use  Smoking  Junior middle school students
郭艳 710032 西安, 第四军医大学预防医学系流行病学教研室  
王安辉 710032 西安, 第四军医大学预防医学系流行病学教研室 wangah@fmmu.edu.cn 
刘晨煜 710054 西安市疾病预防控制中心  
慕彩妮 710032 西安, 第四军医大学预防医学系流行病学教研室  
王波 710032 西安, 第四军医大学预防医学系流行病学教研室  
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      目的 了解陕西省初中生烟草使用现状及相关因素。方法 2013年8-11月采用多阶段分层整群随机抽样法,抽取陕西省10个地区共30所中学的初中生,使用全国统一调查问卷,组织学生集中匿名填写。结果 共发放问卷4 633份,回收有效问卷4 298份。初中生现在吸烟率为6.5%,男生(11.1%)高于女生(1.7%)。初三年级学生现在吸烟率(9.3%)高于初二年级(7.0%)、初一年级(3.5%)学生(P<0.05)。1周内可支配零钱≥ 31元的初中生吸烟率最高(10.0%),其次是11~30元的学生(6.3%),而≤ 10元的学生吸烟率为4.6%。多因素logistic回归分析显示:男生、城市学校、年龄大、1周内可支配零钱多、过去1周内家人吸烟天数>1 d、二手烟暴露是学生现在吸烟的危险因素。结论 陕西省初中生现在吸烟率较高,其影响因素多样,应尽早开展控烟宣教减少中学生烟草使用率。
      Objective To understand the rate on tobacco use and associated factors in junior middle school students in Shaanxi province. Methods We used a multi-stage stratified random sampling method to select students from 30 junior middle schools in 10 areas of Shaanxi province in 2013. All the participants completed a self-administered questionnaire. Results A total of 4 633 questionnaires were dispatched and 4 298 were qualified for further analysis. The current smoking rate of junior middle school students in Shaanxi was 6.5%, with rate in male (11.1%) higher than that of female students (1.7%). The current smoking rate of students in grade three (9.3%) was higher than those of students in grade one (3.5%) or in grade two (7.0%). The smoking rate of students with pocket money more than 31 Yuan per week was (10.0%) higher than those of students with pocket money less than 10 Yuan (4.6%) or 10-30 Yuan (6.3%) per week. Results from the logistic regression analysis showed that factors as:male, school located in the city, older age, with more pocket money, having smokers in the family and exposure to second hand smoking were high risk factors for current smoking. Conclusion Rate on current smoking was high in junior middle schools students in Shaanxi, suggesting that comprehensive intervention programs be developed to reduce the rate of tobacco use in junior middle school students.
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