Survey on extramarital sexual behaviors and HIV infection in middle-aged and elderly people aged 50 and above in selected areas of Chongqing
收稿日期:2018-04-26  出版日期:2018-11-15
中文关键词: 艾滋病病毒  中老年人  非婚性行为
英文关键词: HIV  Middle-aged and elderly people  Extramarital sexual behavior
江光煚 102206 北京, 中国疾病预防控制中心性病艾滋病预防控制中心
441022 襄阳市疾病预防控制中心 
郭巍 102206 北京, 中国疾病预防控制中心性病艾滋病预防控制中心  
裴迎新 102206 北京, 中国疾病预防控制中心  
蔡畅 102206 北京, 中国疾病预防控制中心性病艾滋病预防控制中心  
吴国辉 400042 重庆市疾病预防控制中心性病艾滋病预防控制所 wgh68803652@163.com 
周超 400042 重庆市疾病预防控制中心性病艾滋病预防控制所  
卢戎戎 400042 重庆市疾病预防控制中心性病艾滋病预防控制所  
陈宗良 400042 重庆市疾病预防控制中心性病艾滋病预防控制所  
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      目的 了解重庆市中老年人非婚性行为及HIV感染状况,为中老年人的艾滋病防治提供参考依据。方法 采用多阶段抽样方法,2017年10-12月在重庆市大足区与合川区,招募在当地居住≥1年且年龄≥50岁中老年人,样本量410人,开展面对面问卷调查和HIV抗体检测。结果 调查对象408人中,男性313人,女性95人,年龄50~88(64.93±9.03)岁,HIV感染率为1.47%(6/408),其中男性HIV感染率为1.28%(4/313)、女性HIV感染率为2.11%(2/95),艾滋病知识知晓率为37.50%(153/408)。曾发生非婚性行为的比例为18.87%(77/408),最近6个月发生非婚性行为的比例为7.60%(31/408),最近6个月非婚性行为中安全套坚持使用率为19.35%(6/31)。多因素logistics回归分析结果显示,发生非婚性行为相关影响因素中,男性是女性的39.51倍(OR=39.51,95% CI:5.03~310.30),未婚、离异或丧偶者是已婚或同居者的4.60倍(OR=4.60,95% CI:1.50~14.05),休闲活动方式为个体活动是外出活动的2.03倍(OR=2.03,95% CI:1.08~3.81),生活状态自我评价较空虚者是较充实者的3.94倍(OR=3.94,95% CI:1.86~8.36)。结论 重庆市部分地区中老年人发生非婚性行为的比例较高,性别、婚姻状况、休闲活动方式、生活状态自我评价等是发生非婚性行为的影响因素,非婚性行为的安全套使用比例低,应积极探索中老年人的有效干预措施。
      Objective To know the situation of extramarital sexual behaviors and HIV infection in middle-aged and elderly people in Chongqing, and provide reference for AIDS prevention and treatment. Methods From October to December 2017, a multi-stage sampling method was used to recruit middle-aged and elderly people aged ≥ 50 years who lived in Dazu and Hechuan districts of Chongqing for at least one year, with a sample size of 410. Face-to-face questionnaires survey and HIV antibody test were conducted. Results A total of 408 people were surveyed, including 313 males and 95 females aged 50-88 (64.93±9.03) years. The HIV infection rate was 1.47% (6/408), with the rate of 1.28% (4/313) in males and 2.11% (2/95) in females. The awareness rate of AIDS related knowledge was 37.50% (153/408). And 18.87% (77/408) of subjects surveyed reported extramarital sexual behaviors, 7.60% (31/408) reported extramarital sexual behaviors in the past half year, the constant condom use rate was 19.35% (6/31). The results of multivariate logistics model analysis on extramarital sexual behaviors showed that the prevalence in males were 39.51 times higher than that in females (OR=39.51, 95% CI:5.03-310.30), 4.60 times higher in those who were unmarried, divorced or widowed than that in the married or cohabitants (OR=4.60, 95% CI:1.50-14.05), 2.03 times higher in those with outside activities than those with individual activities (OR=2.03, 95% CI:1.08-3.81) and 3.94 times higher in those with self-evaluation of emptiness of living state than that in those with engaged life (OR=3.94, 95% CI:1.86-8.36). Conclusions The prevalence of extramarital sexual behavior in middle-aged and elderly people in some counties and districts in Chongqing is high. The factors such as gender, marital status, leisure activities, and self-evaluation of living state were related to the prevalence of extramarital sexual behaviors in this population. The condom use rate in extramarital sexual behavior was low. It is necessary to take effective interventions in this population.
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