Promoting the establishment of group standards in public health areas for China
收稿日期:2018-12-13  出版日期:2019-01-14
中文关键词: 公共卫生  团体标准  大型人群队列
英文关键词: Public health  Group standards  Large population-based cohort
杨维中 中华预防医学会, 北京 100021 ywz126@vip.sina.com 
摘要点击次数: 4373
全文下载次数: 1703
      为深入贯彻落实国务院《深化标准化工作改革方案》,推动以标准引领预防医学和公共卫生事业健康发展,中华预防医学会成立了中华预防医学会标准化工作委员会,承担学会团体标准的立项资格审查、立项评审、标准预审、标准会审、标准宣传培训、标准实施评估、标准复审和标准舆情监测应对等标准化工作。中华预防医学会于2018年12月13日发布了《大型人群队列研究数据处理技术规范(T/CPMA 001-2018)》团体标准和《大型人群队列研究数据安全技术规范(T/CPMA 002-2018)》团体标准。上述标准是我国人群队列建设和研究领域首次发布的团体标准,亦是中华预防医学会首次发布的团体标准,是我国以李立明教授为领衔的团队历经十余年研究和实践的学术成果,具有里程碑意义。上述标准的制定以中国慢性病前瞻性研究项目为基础。旨在制定符合国情、可推广的人群队列建设的行业标准和规范化操作流程,指导其他人群队列的建设,最大程度的支持疾病防控的决策与实践。慢性病疾病负担日益增加是当前严重的公共卫生问题。慢性病的成因非常复杂,大型队列研究对于观察、阐释慢性病的病因及影响因素可发挥重要作用。近年来这类研究日益增加,这样的标准对指导和规范同类研究有重要意义。中华预防医学会将致力于推动我国公共卫生领域的团体标准建设工作蓬勃发展,助力健康中国战略实施。
      To better practice the Deepening Standardization Reform Plan, announced by the State Council, to promote the leadership of standard in healthy development of preventive medicine and public health, the Chinese Preventive Medicine Association (CPMA) established the Standardization Committee of Chinese Preventive Medicine Association (SC-CPMA). The SC-CPMA was responsible for the work of standardization developments of CPMA, including review of project's qualification and proposal, pre-qualification and qualification review of standard, publicity and training of standard, evaluation of standard implementation, review of standard, and public response monitoring of the standard. At December 13, 2018, CPMA published two group standards, the Technical specification of data processing for large population-based cohort study (T/CPMA 001-2018) and Technical specification of data security for large population-based cohort study (T/CPMA 002-2018). This was the first time that a group standard was published by CPMA and produced for large cohort study's establishment and research. These two standards were the milestones for public health areas and the academic achievement of team, leading by Dr. Li Liming, after decade of research and practice. The two standards were developed based on the China Kadoorie Biobank Study and aimed to formulate professional standards and standardized operation procedures that met the nationals conditions, with strong operability and generality of population cohort establishments. The group standards were also aimed to guide the establishments for other population-based cohort studies to maximum support the decision making and practice for disease control and prevention. The increasing disease burden of non-communicable disease (NCD) became severe public health problem and the etiology for NCD is complex. Large cohort studies, which became more popular recently, played an important role in observation and explanation of NCD etiology and risk factors. Under the current situation with growing number of large cohort studies, it is necessary to have a standard, which could be shared and used to guide other professional as critical scientific protocols. CPMA was committed to promoting the development of group standards in the field of public health, and supporting the implementation of the Healthy China Strategy.
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