Associations between milk intake at breakfast and nutritional status of students attending the Nutrition Improvement Program for Rural Compulsory Education Students in 2016
收稿日期:2018-08-23  出版日期:2019-01-31
中文关键词: 贫困农村地区  学生营养改善  早餐饮奶  健康状况
英文关键词: Poor rural areas  Student nutrition improvement  Milk intake at breakfast  Health status
张晓帆 中国疾病预防控制中心营养与健康所学生营养室, 北京 100050  
李荔 中国疾病预防控制中心营养与健康所学生营养室, 北京 100050  
许娟 中国疾病预防控制中心营养与健康所学生营养室, 北京 100050  
徐培培 中国疾病预防控制中心营养与健康所学生营养室, 北京 100050  
潘慧 中国疾病预防控制中心营养与健康所学生营养室, 北京 100050  
曹薇 中国疾病预防控制中心营养与健康所学生营养室, 北京 100050  
甘倩 中国疾病预防控制中心营养与健康所学生营养室, 北京 100050  
张倩 中国疾病预防控制中心营养与健康所学生营养室, 北京 100050 zhangqian7208@163.com 
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      目的 探索2016年"农村义务教育学生营养改善计划"("营养改善计划")试点地区学生早餐饮奶与营养状况的关系,为改善贫困农村学生营养状况提供基础数据。方法 采用多阶段分层随机整群抽样的方法,在"营养改善计划"试点地区22个省50个重点监测县中,按照3种供餐模式随机抽取22 315名三至九年级中小学生进行早餐饮奶等问卷调查,男、女学生各半。由调查员测量学生晨起空腹身高和体重,学生营养状况采用年龄别身高和BMI判断营养不良、正常和超重肥胖情况。采用多元线性回归和多项logistic回归法分析学生早餐饮奶与身高、体重和营养状况的关系。结果 监测学生中有31.4%早餐饮奶;西部地区、女生和低年级学生早餐饮奶比例较高(P<0.05)。监测学生营养不良和超重肥胖的比例分别为11.0%和10.0%。控制性别、年龄、民族、地区、父母外出打工情况因素后,早餐饮奶的学生比不饮奶的学生平均身高多0.4 cm(P=0.001);早餐是否饮奶与学生体重、营养不良和超重肥胖没有显著关联。结论 早餐饮奶与儿童身高有关联,养成早餐饮奶的习惯对促进贫困农村地区儿童身高增长可能有一定作用。
      Objective To investigate the association between milk intake at breakfast and nutritional status of students attending the Nutrition Improvement Program for Rural Compulsory Education Students (NIPRCES) in 2016, and to provide basic data for improving the nutritional status of the poor rural pupils. Methods Using the multi-stage stratified random cluster sampling method, 22 315 students from grade three to nine from primary and junior high schools were randomly selected from the 50 key counties under the monitor programs, in 22 provinces of NNIPRCS. Questionnaire was used. Among all the students, with equal number of genders, morning fasting height and weight were measured by trained investigators. Status of nutrition was classified as malnutrition, normal, overweight/obesity, by age-specific height and BMI. Multivariate linear and logistic regression methods were used to analyze the relationship between milk consumption and the status of nutrition of the students. Results Only 31.4% of the students that were on the monitoring programs would drink milk at breakfast. Proportions of milk intake at breakfast were higher in students from the western regions, in lower grades and in girls (P<0.05). The proportions of malnutrition and overweight/obesity were 11.0% and 10.0% respectively. After controlling factors as gender, age, ethnicity, region of residency and types of parental employment, students who drank milk at breakfast showed an average height of 0.4 cm taller than those who did not drink milk (P=0.001). However, no significant relationships were noticed between milk intake at breakfast and weight, malnutrition or overweight/obesity. Conclusion Milk intake at breakfast seemed associated with the height of the students under study, suggesting that this program can be promoted, especially in students from the poor rural areas.
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