Changing trends regarding the rates of prevalence, awareness and treatment of hypertension and the differences by demographic and economic factors, among adult farmers in nine provinces in China, from 1991 to 2015
收稿日期:2019-07-08  出版日期:2020-04-24
中文关键词: 成年农民  高血压  患病率  知晓率  治疗率  人口经济学差异
英文关键词: Adult farmers  Hypertension  Prevalence rate  Awareness rate  Treatment rate  Demographic and economic differences
吕燕宇 中国疾病预防控制中心营养与健康所, 北京 100050  
张兵 中国疾病预防控制中心营养与健康所, 北京 100050  
王惠君 中国疾病预防控制中心营养与健康所, 北京 100050  
王志宏 中国疾病预防控制中心营养与健康所, 北京 100050  
苏畅 中国疾病预防控制中心营养与健康所, 北京 100050  
黄绯绯 中国疾病预防控制中心营养与健康所, 北京 100050  
王柳森 中国疾病预防控制中心营养与健康所, 北京 100050  
贾小芳 中国疾病预防控制中心营养与健康所, 北京 100050 jiaxf@ninh.chinacdc.cn 
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      目的 了解我国9省 ≥ 18岁成年农民高血压患病率、知晓率和治疗率的变化趋势及人口经济学差异。方法 利用"中国健康与营养调查"1991-2015年9轮调查的资料,选择 ≥ 18岁、具有完整人口统计学和社会经济特征、疾病史、体格测量数据,且职业为"农民、渔民或猎人(农民)"的调查对象作为研究对象。根据《中国高血压防治指南》定义高血压。分析9省成年农民高血压患病率、知晓率和治疗率变化趋势及影响因素。结果 共纳入18 236人。1991-2015年,9省成年农民高血压患病率、知晓率和治疗率呈显著上升趋势(P<0.05)。多因素分析结果显示, 2015年 ≥ 45岁组农民患高血压的可能性较18~44岁组高98%,超重或肥胖的农民患高血压的可能性分别是对照组(BMI<24.0 kg/m2)的1.58倍和5.21倍,肥胖的农民高血压知晓率和治疗率分别是对照组的5.77倍和7.52倍;文化程度为初中或高中及以上的农民高血压知晓率分别是小学及以下文化程度农民的0.23倍和0.12倍,初中文化程度农民高血压治疗率是小学及以下文化程度农民的0.30倍。结论 1991-2015年我国9省成年农民高血压患病率呈显著上升趋势,但知晓率、治疗率尚不理想。高龄、超重及肥胖是农民患高血压的危险因素,在高血压的防治工作中,应加强对农民高血压的筛查和治疗,尤其要提高不同文化程度和肥胖农民高血压知晓率和治疗率。
      Objective To analyze the changes on the rates of prevalence, awareness and treatment of hypertension as well as the differences of the disease by demographic and economic factors, among adult farmers in nine provinces of China. Methods Adult farmers, (including fishermen and hunters) with completed data on demographics, socio-economic characteristics, disease histories and physical measurements were selected from the 1991-2015 China Health and Nutrition Survey. Hypertension was defined based on the Chinese guidelines. Multivariate logistic regression was used to analyze the influence of demographic and economic factors on the rates of prevalence, awareness and treatment of hypertension among those adult farmers in 2015. Results A total of 18 236 participants were included. From 1991 to 2015, rates of prevalence, awareness and treatment of hypertension among the adult farmers in nine provinces all significantly increased (P<0.05). Results from the multivariate analysis showed that farmers aged ≥ 45 years were 98% more likely to suffer from hypertension than those aged 18-44 years. Farmers who were overweight or obese were 1.58 times and 5.21 times more likely to suffer from hypertension than those in the control group (BMI<24.0 kg/m2), respectively. The rates on awareness of hypertension among farmers with junior high school education (OR=0.23) or above (OR=0.12) or with junior high school education (OR=0.30) were both lower than those with primary school education or below. Rates on the awareness and treatment of hypertension in obese farmers were 5.77 times and 7.52 times of those in the control group. Conclusions The rates of prevalence of hypertension showed increasing trends during 1991-2015, with a slower increase in the rates of awareness and treatment in the farmers. Age ≥ 45 year-olds, and being obese were the risk factors for farmers to have hypertension, which suggested the above population should be focused on hypertension prevention strategy and practice.
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