Influencing factors on smoking cessation among outpatients from the National Central Subsidy Smoking Cessation Clinic Project, in 2015-2018
收稿日期:2019-11-04  出版日期:2020-06-16
中文关键词: 戒烟门诊  戒烟率  影响因素
英文关键词: Smoking cessation clinic  Smoking cessation rate  Influencing factors
谢莉 中国疾病预防控制中心控烟办公室, 北京 100050  
肖琳 中国疾病预防控制中心控烟办公室, 北京 100050  
旷聃 成都市疾病预防控制中心职业病防治科 610041  
姜垣 中国疾病预防控制中心控烟办公室, 北京 100050  
杨焱 中国疾病预防控制中心控烟办公室, 北京 100050 yangyan8288@hotmail.com 
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      目的 评估中央补助地方戒烟门诊项目实施效果,探索影响吸烟者戒烟成功的因素,以指导戒烟服务的提供和戒烟门诊工作的开展。方法 采用人群现场干预研究,由经过项目培训的医务人员,对吸烟者进行面对面访谈,完成调查问卷,并进行心理行为干预。已配备戒烟药物的医院,为患者开具相应药物。首诊1个月后开展随访干预,获得1个月随访7 d时点戒烟率。结果 1个月随访7 d时点戒烟率为34.1%。多元logistic回归结果显示, ≥60岁患病人群戒烟可能性最大;自身患病、首诊非每天吸烟、准备在30 d内戒烟、使用酒石酸伐尼克兰和盐酸安非他酮的患者,戒烟成功的可能性更大;未就业者相对于就业者更不利于戒烟;每日吸烟量越大、吸烟年限越长、晨起后第一支烟越急迫的患者,戒烟的可能性越小;是否有戒烟史对戒烟可能性没有影响。结论 从1个月随访时7 d时点戒烟率看,央补戒烟门诊项目戒烟干预有效。应加大对吸烟者的宣传,戒烟越早越有效。使用酒石酸伐尼克兰和盐酸安非他酮等药物能增加戒烟的可能性,应加强戒烟门诊有效药物的配备率。戒烟门诊医务人员帮助患者在戒烟过程中克服戒断症状很重要。
      Objective To evaluate the effect of smoking cessation project run by the Central Subsidy Smoking Cessation Clinic and to explore the related influencing factors on smoking cessation, in order to improve related services and provide better guidance to these smoking cessation clinics. Methods Practitioners who had been trained to run smoking cessation projects were recruited to conduct face-to-face interview with the smokers. Questionnaires were completed to provide information on related psychological, social and behavioral issues. In these clinics, medications were provided to the patients by the health care takers in the clinic. One month after the first visit, smoking cessation rate (self-reported, 7-day point prevalence abstinence rate at 30-day follow-up) was counted. Results The overall smoking cessation rate (self-reported, 7-day point prevalence abstinence rate at 30-day follow-up) appeared as 34.1%. Results from the multivariate logistic regression showed that patients over the age of 60 were the ones most likely to quit smoking. Smokers who showed higher possibility of quitting would include those: not on the daily base, intend to quit within 30 days, with other diseases, or taking varenicline and bupropion. Factors as unemployment, longer history of smoking, bigger quantity of cigarettes consumption per day, dependence on nicotine and urgency on taking up the first cigarette in the early morning etc., were related to the less likelihood of giving up smoking. However, histories of cessation did not seem to affect the possibility of quitting. Conclusions Data from self-reported 7-day point prevalence abstinence at 30-day follow-up study showed that the smoking cessation intervention programs run by the central subsidy smoking cessation clinic project had been effectively implemented. Advocacy on quit smoking at early stage seemed to have better outcomes, thus should be called for. Since medications as varenicline tartrate and bupropion hydrochloride can increase the possibility of stop smoking, we would suggest that all the hospitals which are with smoking cessation clinics be equipped with these medicines. Professional assistance provided by practitioners is of key importance to help overcome the withdrawal symptoms during the periods of cessation, on these smokers.
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