Preventive medicine curriculum system in training program of clinical medicine in the era of Healthy China
收稿日期:2020-01-04  出版日期:2020-07-15
中文关键词: 培养方案  预防医学  健康中国  公共卫生
英文关键词: Training program  Preventive medicine  Healthy China  Public health
施红英 温州医科大学 325035  
王世泽 温州医科大学 325035  
杨新军 温州医科大学 325035  
林雷 温州医科大学 325035  
胡军勇 温州医科大学 325035 hujunyong@163.com 
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      目的 了解健康中国背景下我国各高校临床医学培养方案中预防医学课程设置现况。方法 抽取全国各区域共36份临床医学专业培养方案进行统计分析。内容包括基本信息、培养目标涉及预防理念的情况、预防医学课程开设情况等。结果 所有培养方案中,22份(61%)在培养目标中未提及预防或群体健康;只有1所高校将预防医学与基础医学、临床医学一起列为主干学科。预防医学核心课程(卫生学、医学统计学、流行病学、临床流行病学、循证医学和社会医学)的总学时数从80~252不等,平均为(156.7±43.2)学时。预防医学课程占总课时数的百分比平均为4.3%±1.1%,最低的仅占2.5%,最高的也只占7.5%,均不足总课时数的10%。各高校之间预防医学各门课程的学时数差异较大。结论 现有临床医学专业人才培养方案中预防理念渗透不足,预防医学课程学时数占比极低,各高校预防医学课时数差异较大。加强新时代临床医学生预防理念的培养迫在眉睫,建议从强化预防为主的观念、完善临床医学课程体系、强化预防与临床融合发展和注重临床研究能力提升4个方面不断完善临床医学专业人才培养方案。
      Objective To understand the provision of preventive medicine curriculum system in the training programs of clinical medicine in the era of Healthy China. Methods A total of 36 training programs of clinical medicine were selected from different areas of China for a statistical analysis on their basic information, involvement of concept of preventive medicine in program objectives, and provision of preventive medicine curriculum system. Results Of all the 36 training programs of clinical medicine, 22(61%) have no mentions of prevention medicine in their program objectives; only one university's training program states preventive medicine together with basic medicine and clinical medicine as one of the three main disciplines. The total class hours for the core courses of preventive medicine (hygiene, medical statistics, epidemiology, evidence-based medicine, and social medicine) range from 80 to 252, with an average of (156.7±43.2) hours. The average percentage of class hours for preventive medicine courses among the total class hours is 4.3%±1.1% (range:2.5%-7.5%), and obvious differences exist among universities. Conclusions In current training programs of clinical medicine, the proportion of prevention medicine curriculum is insufficient, the percentage of hours for preventive medicine course is very low, and the differences among various universities are obvious. It is urgently needed to strengthen preventive medicine curriculum in training programs for clinical medical students in new era. It is suggested to further promote the concept of putting prevention first, improve the curriculum system of clinical medicine, intensify the integrated development preventive medicine and clinical medicine and pay attention to clinical research ability enhancement for the further improvement of training program of clinical medicine.
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