Epidemiological characteristics of imported COVID-19 cases in Guangzhou
收稿日期:2020-04-13  出版日期:2020-11-25
中文关键词: 新型冠状病毒肺炎  流行特征  输入性病例
英文关键词: COVID-19  Epidemiological characteristics  Imported case
甄若楠 广州市疾病预防控制中心 510440  
黄勇 广州市疾病预防控制中心 510440  
李意兰 广州市疾病预防控制中心 510440  
周思 广州市疾病预防控制中心 510440  
陈远源 广州市疾病预防控制中心 510440  
秦发举 广州市疾病预防控制中心 510440  
梁颖茹 广州市疾病预防控制中心 510440  
马晓薇 广州市疾病预防控制中心 510440  
谢朝军 广州市疾病预防控制中心 510440  
袁俊 广州市疾病预防控制中心 510440 yuanjuncom@163.com 
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      目的 了解广州市新型冠状病毒肺炎(COVID-19)境外输入病例流行特征,为疫情防治工作提供科学依据。方法 资料来源于全国传染病报告信息管理系统截至2020年4月1日广州市COVID-19境外输入病例数据,采用Excel 2010和SPSS 19.0软件对数据进行整理与统计学分析。结果 截至2020年4月1日,广州市累计报告COVID-19境外输入病例103例,其中确诊病例92例,无症状感染者11例。境外输入病例确诊数占全国同期11.4%(92/806)。男女性别比为1.58:1(63:40),年龄中位数31(P25P75:22~40)岁,年龄范围11~63岁;职业以商业服务(41/103,占39.8%)及学生(36/103,占35.0%)为主。入境后目的地为非广东省内占43.7%(45/103),涉及19个广东以外省份及直辖市。病例感染来源国主要为英国(27/103,占26.2%),菲律宾(13/103,占12.6%),美国(13/103,占12.6%)和尼日利亚(7/103,占6.8%)。境外输入病例涉及入境航班34条,其中发现病例≥3例的航班10条(10/34,占29.4%),累计航程时间(11.14±0.53)h。29例(29/103,占28.2%)在入境前已出现症状,65例(65/103,占63.1%)在发病前已被管控。发病后被管控病例的自由活动时间为(6.76±0.79)d。境外输入病例的密切接触者人数平均53人,导致境外输入聚集性疫情13起,涉及病例36例(包括境外关联病例1例)。结论 截至2020年4月1日,广州市COVID-19境外输入病例来源分布广泛,尚未发现病例在飞机上传播。COVID-19境外输入疫情早期扩散风险较高,政府加强境外疫情输入防控措施有效降低了社区传播风险。
      Objective To understand the epidemiological characteristics of imported COVID-19 cases in Guangzhou and provide scientific basis for the prevention and control of the disease. Methods The data of imported COVID-19 in Guangzhou reported as of April 1, 2020 were collected from National Notifiable Disease Report System of China. The software Excel 2010 and SPSS 19.0 were applied for data cleaning and statistical analysis. Results As of April 1, 2020, a total of 103 imported COVID-19 cases had been reported in Guangzhou, in which 92 were confirmed cases and 11 were asymptomatic infection cases. The number of the confirmed imported cases accounted for 11.4% (92/806) in of the total in China at the same time. The male to female ratio of the cases was 1.58:1 (63:40). The median age of the cases was 31 years (P25-P75:22-40 years), range of age was 11-63 years. The main occupational distributions of the cases were business services (41/103, 39.8%) and students (36/103, 35.0%). The imported cases whose destinations were 19 provinces and municipalities rather than Guangdong after entering the country accounted for 43.7%. The main source countries of infections were the United Kingdom (27/103, 26.2%), the Philippines (13/103, 12.6%), the United States (13/103, 12.6%) and Nigeria (7/103, 6.8%). There were 34 inbound flights from which the imported COVID-19 cases were detected, in which 10 flights (10/34, 29.4%) were found to carry more than 3 cases, with an average voyage time of (11.14±0.53) hours. A total of 29 imported cases (28.2%) showed symptoms before entering the country, and 65 cases (63.1%) had been isolated before the onset of the disease. The mean free activity time of the isolated cases after the onset was (6.76±0.79) days. The average number of the imported cases’ close contacts was 53. There were 13 clusters of COVID-19 caused by the imported cases, involving 36 cases (including 1 imported associated case). Conclusions The sources of the imported COVID-19 cases in Guangzhou were widely distributed, and no cases had been found to be infected on the flights. In the early stage of the imported epidemic, there was high risk for the spread of the epidemic. Strengthened prevention and control of imported COVID-19 effectively reduced the of transmission risk of COVID-19 in communities.
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