罗业飞,樊莉蕊,陈韵聪,古羽舟,蔡衍珊,韩志刚,何蔚云,姚芷潞,梁清儿,刘方华,杜瑶瑶,徐慧芳.青年学生性健康特征与教育需求调查的聚类分析[J].中华流行病学杂志,2021,42(11):1923-1929 |
青年学生性健康特征与教育需求调查的聚类分析 |
Cluster analysis on survey of sexual health characteristics and health education demands in young students |
收稿日期:2021-01-14 出版日期:2021-11-20 |
DOI:10.3760/cma.j.cn112338-20210114-00037 |
中文关键词: 青年学生 性健康 艾滋病 聚类分析 健康教育 |
英文关键词: Young students Sexual health AIDS Cluster analysis Health education |
基金项目:国家科技重大专项(2018ZX10715004);国家自然科学基金(71774178,71974212);广东省基础与应用基础研究基金(2020A1515010737);广州市科技计划(201607010368);广州市卫生健康科技项目(20191A010042,20201A011053,20211A011056,20211A011049) |
摘要点击次数: 4407 |
全文下载次数: 1332 |
中文摘要: |
目的 通过聚类分析识别青年学生群组,探索不同群组的特征和需求差异,为预防艾滋病开展性健康教育提供依据。方法 基于广东省教育部门组织的青年学生预防艾滋病性健康教育需求调研,对使用方便抽样法获得3 884份网络调查的有效数据进行两步聚类分析,结合专业领域认识判断确定纳入分析的变量和群组数,比较群组间的性健康、人口学特征、性教育内容与形式需求的差异。结果 经聚类分析确定聚类变量共6个,分别包括自慰行为认知和发生率、性行为发生率、性资讯获取频率、接纳性伴开放程度、艾滋病知识知晓率。根据以上性健康知信行特征、HIV感染风险将学生分为3个群组,其中高风险组1 810人(46.6%)、中风险组1 549人(39.9%)、低风险组525人(13.5%)。人口学特征,高风险组中位年龄19岁,男生(65.9%)、性取向为非异性恋(15.2%)、来自城镇(58.2%)、独生子女(30.8%)和在读本科(54.7%)的比例最高;中风险组中位年龄19岁,女生(82.7%)、在读高职(34.0%)的比例最高;低风险组中位年龄18岁,来自农村(52.4%)、非独生子女(80.6%)、在读高中(41.3%)、非寄宿(17.5%)、无实习/打工经验(43.2%)的比例最高。在教育内容需求方面,高风险组对自我认同、性安全、性决定、避孕流产和STD/AIDS防治的需求高,中风险组则更关注婚恋观、性侵害,低风险组更需要了解青春期生理知识。与低风险组相比,高风险组对同伴教育、互联网/多媒体、匿名咨询等性教育形式需求更高,差异均有统计学意义。结论 不同群组的青年学生自身特点、性知识、性态度、性行为和教育需求存在区别,应分类开发教材和方法,针对不同学生群组特点施教,增强学生的接受度和积极性,以提高教育质量。 |
英文摘要: |
Objective To explore the difference of sexual health characteristics and demands in students in different groups, and provide the basis for targeted sexual health eduction for AIDS prevention in young students.Methods A survey was conducted based on the requirement of health education about sexual health and AIDS prevention in young students by the education department of Guangdong province. A two-step cluster analysis was performed on the survey data obtained by convenient sampling, the variables and number of clusters included were determined by combination of analysis results and professional knowledge. The demographic characteristics, the content and form of sexual health education needed were compared among different groups. Results Survey data of 3 884 students were collected, and six variables were used for classification:cognition or occurrence masturbation, sexual behavior, frequency of sexual information acquisition, number of acceptable sex partners and AIDS knowledge awareness rate. By these variables, the students were classified into three levels of risk groups:high risk group (46.6%), medium risk group (39.9%) and low risk group (13.5%). As for demographic characteristics, high risk group, with a median age of 19 years, had the highest proportions of boys (65.9%), students with non-heterosexuality orientation (15.2%), urban residents (58.2%), only children (30.8%) and undergraduates (54.7%). Medium risk group, with a median age of 19 years, had the highest proportions of girls (82.7%) and vocational college students (34.0%). Low risk group, with a median age of 18 years, had the highest proportions of rural residents (52.4%), non-only child (80.6%), senior high school students (41.3%), non-boarding students (17.5%) and students without internship and part-time job experience (43.2%). In terms of health education demands, high risk group had a higher demand of information about self-identity, sexual safety, sexual decision making, contraception, abortion, and sexually transmitted disease or AIDS prevention. Medium risk group paid more attention to value on love and marriage, sexual assault. Low risk group showed a higher demand of adolescent physiology knowledge. Compared with low risk group, high risk group had a higher demand of peer education, Internet/multimedia, anonymous counseling and other forms of sexual health education. The differences were significant. Conclusion The characteristics, sexual knowledge awareness, attitude and behavior, and health education demands of young students in different groups are different, so health education materials and methods should be developed according to the characteristics of different groups to enhance the acceptance and enthusiasm of students and improve the quality of sexual health education. |
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