Study on smoking behavior and its changes among Chinese people aged 15 years and above in 2018
收稿日期:2021-11-30  出版日期:2022-06-16
中文关键词: 吸烟  吸烟率  烟草  尼古丁
英文关键词: Cigarette smoking  Prevalence  Tobacco  Nicotine
肖琳 中国疾病预防控制中心控烟办公室, 北京 100050 xiaolin@chinacdc.cn 
南奕 中国疾病预防控制中心控烟办公室, 北京 100050  
邸新博 中国疾病预防控制中心控烟办公室, 北京 100050  
孟子达 中国疾病预防控制中心控烟办公室, 北京 100050  
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      目的 描述中国≥15岁人群的吸烟现况,并与既往调查比较,分析其发展变化趋势。方法 本次调查采用全球成人烟草调查的多阶段分层整群随机抽样,覆盖全国31个省(自治区/直辖市)的200个区/县。于2018年7-12月收集个人问卷19 376份,应答率为91.50%。数据采用SAS 9.4软件进行复杂抽样加权分析。结果 2018年我国≥15岁人群吸烟率为26.59%,男性(50.47%)高于女性(2.07%),农村(28.87%)高于城市(25.05%)。吸烟者戒烟率为20.10%,女性(30.22%)高于男性(19.64%),城乡差异无统计学意义(P=0.864)。与既往调查结果相比,吸烟率呈现下降趋势,其中,25~44岁和45~64岁人群吸烟率下降明显,大专及以上文化程度人群的吸烟率下降幅度最大。此外,2018年我国≥15岁吸烟者平均每日吸烟量为16.00支,现在每日吸烟者开始每日吸烟的平均年龄为20.95岁。结论 我国≥15岁人群吸烟率下降速度不足以保证《健康中国行动(2019-2030年)》既定控烟目标的顺利实现,需加大控烟工作力度。
      Objective To describe the current status of smoking among Chinese people aged 15 and above and analyze its epidemic evolution. Methods A stratified multi-phased randomized cluster sampling design of the Global Adult Tobacco Survey was used. The cross-sectional survey was conducted from July to December 2018, covering 200 districts/counties in 31 provinces of China. Field data was collected through in-house face-to-face interviews by trained investigators using a tablet computer. 19 376 individual questionnaires were completed, with an overall response rate of 91.50%. The data were weighted for complex sampling and analyzed with SAS 9.4. Results In 2018, the current smoking prevalence of adults aged 15 and above was 26.59%, with that higher among males (50.47%) than among females (2.07%) and higher among those in rural (28.87%) than among those in urban areas (25.05%). The quitting rate was 20.10%, with a higher rate among females (30.22%) than males (19.64%). However, there was no significant difference between rural and urban areas (P=0.864). Compared with the previous data, the smoking rate tends to drop, with a substantial decrease among the 25-44 age groups and 45-64 age groups. The most significant decline occurs among those with higher education (Junior college and above). In addition, in 2018, current daily smokers aged 15 and above in China started to smoke daily at an average age of 20.95 years old. For current smokers, 16.00 cigarettes were consumed each day on average. Conclusion Although the current smoking prevalence among the Chinese population aged 15 and above tends to decrease, the decreasing speed is too slow to achieve the target set in the Healthy China Action (2019-2030). Consequently, much more effective efforts to control tobacco need to be enforced.
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