SWOT analysis of influenza vaccination promotion of primary care staff based on the perspective of the supplier, customer, and management
收稿日期:2022-01-08  出版日期:2022-06-16
中文关键词: 基层医务人员  流感  流感疫苗  优势、劣势、机会和威胁分析
英文关键词: Primary healthcare workers  Influenza  Influenza vaccine  Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats analysis
孙波 北京大学公共卫生学院卫生政策与管理学系, 北京 100191  
郑建东 中国疾病预防控制中心传染病管理处, 北京 102206  
张圣洋 山东省疾病预防控制中心业务管理部, 济南 250014  
路明霞 河南省疾病预防控制中心免疫规划与预防所, 郑州 450016  
袁珩 四川省疾病预防控制中心急性传染病预防控制所, 成都 610041  
王俊人 北京大学公共卫生学院卫生政策与管理学系, 北京 100191  
李锦成 北京大学公共卫生学院卫生政策与管理学系, 北京 100191  
苏锦锋 中国生物技术股份有限公司, 北京 100029  
黎慕 中国生物技术股份有限公司, 北京 100029 limu0716@163.com 
王志锋 北京大学公共卫生学院卫生政策与管理学系, 北京 100191
北京大学医学部卫生政策与技术评估中心, 北京 100191 
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      目的 分析基层医务人员流感疫苗接种工作现状,发现问题并探索促进基层医务人员流感疫苗接种的策略与措施。方法 于2021年4-5月开展关键知情人访谈及文献研究,基于流感疫苗的供方(流感疫苗生产企业)、需方(基层医疗卫生机构及基层医务人员)和管理方(各级政府、卫生行政部门和疾病预防控制部门)三方视角,采用优势、劣势、机会和威胁(SWOT)分析技术对基层医务人员流感疫苗接种工作现状进行综合评价,并建立SWOT分析矩阵。结果 基层医务人员流感疫苗接种工作的存在的优势和机会包括基层医疗卫生机构流感疫苗接种可及性强、流感疫苗安全性较高、新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情(新冠疫情)提高了公众预防呼吸道传染病的意识和流感疫苗企业生产积极性、新型冠状病毒疫苗(新冠疫苗)的接种增强了我国疫苗流通系统的能力等;也存在流感疫苗价格偏高、总量供应不足、基层医务人员流感疫苗接种意识不强、缺乏流感疫苗需求评估机制、疫苗调配不畅、疫苗供应地区结构性失衡、疫苗浪费问题严重等劣势和威胁。建立了基层医务人员流感疫苗接种现状SWOT分析矩阵,形成了优势机会(SO)策略、优势威胁(ST)策略、劣势机会(WO)策略、劣势威胁(WT)策略。结论 应从供方、需方、管理方采取措施,重点发挥管理方协调和管理的重要作用,提高基层医务人员流感疫苗接种率。
      Objective To analyze the situation of influenza vaccination among primary healthcare workers, find out the problems, and explore the strategies and measures to promote influenza vaccination among grass-roots medical staff. Methods From April to May 2021, key insider interviews and literature research were carried out based on the perspectives of influenza vaccine suppliers (influenza vaccine manufacturers), consumers (primary medical institutions and primary healthcare workers), and managers (governments at all levels, health administrative departments and disease prevention and control departments). The SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) analysis technique was used to comprehensively evaluate the current situation of influenza vaccination among grass-roots healthcare workers, and a SWOT analysis matrix was established. Results Influenza vaccination of grass-roots healthcare workers have advantages and opportunities, including primary medical and health institutions' vital influenza vaccination accessibility, influenza vaccine safety is higher, COVID-19 outbreak improves the public awareness of respiratory infectious diseases and vaccine production enthusiasm, coronavirus vaccination has strengthened the capacity of the vaccine distribution system. There are also disadvantages and threats such as the high price of influenza vaccine, insufficient supply, low awareness of influenza vaccine vaccination among grass-roots healthcare workers, lack of demand assessment mechanism on influenza vaccine, poor vaccine deployment, structural imbalance in vaccine supply in different areas, and severe vaccine waste. SWOT analysis matrix of the influenza vaccination status of grass-roots healthcare workers was established, forming dominant opportunity (SO) strategy, dominant threat (ST) strategy, inferior opportunity (WO) strategy, and inferior threat (WT) strategy. Conclusion Measures should be taken by the supplier, the demand—side, and the management side to improve the influenza vaccine coverage rate of primary healthcare workers, but the emphasis should be on the coordination and management of the management side.
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