廖春晓,王波,吕筠,李立明.新型冠状病毒Omicron变异株病原学及流行病学研究进展[J].中华流行病学杂志,2022,43(11):1691-1698 |
新型冠状病毒Omicron变异株病原学及流行病学研究进展 |
Progress in research of etiology and epidemiology of 2019-nCoV Omicron variant |
收稿日期:2022-09-29 出版日期:2022-11-22 |
DOI:10.3760/cma.j.cn112338-20220929-00829 |
中文关键词: Omciron变异株 免疫逃逸 致病性 流行病学 疫苗 |
英文关键词: Omicron variant Immune escape Pathogenicity Epidemiology Vaccine |
基金项目:中华医学基金会(20-366) |
摘要点击次数: 6985 |
全文下载次数: 2184 |
中文摘要: |
目前新型冠状病毒Omicron变异株为全球流行的优势株,Omicron变异株不断出现新的亚型,且携带更多的突变位点。与原始株和其他值得关切的变异株相比,Omicron变异株感染的致病特征和流行特征发生了明显的改变。Omicron变异株致病性和毒性减弱,免疫逃逸能力陡增,传播速度更加迅速,更易通过物体表面和气溶胶媒介进行传播。人群感染后潜伏期缩短,无症状和轻症者居多,住院和死亡风险降低。本文重点梳理Omicron变异株的致病特征和流行特征,以期为Omicron变异株的科学防控提供参考。 |
英文摘要: |
2019-nCoV Omicron variant has become predominant in the world. New subvariants with further mutations in their spike proteins are continuously emerging. Compared with the wild type and other variants of concern, Omicron variant exhibits altered etiological and epidemiological characteristics, with weakened pathogenicity and toxicity in laboratory mice and hamsters as well as enhanced immune escape capacity. The human infections are more likely to be asymptomatic and mild characterized by upper respiratory tract symptoms with reduced risk of hospitalization and death. In addition, Omicron variant can transmit more rapidly and shows shorter incubation period to cause infection, and the variant is more likely to transmit through contamination of object surfaces and aerosols spread. This paper summarizes the etiological and epidemiological characteristics of Omicron variant to provide a reference for the effective prevention and control of Omicron variant infection. |
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