Introduction of a tool to assess Risk of Bias in Non-randomized Studies-of Exposure (2022)
收稿日期:2023-02-21  出版日期:2023-09-14
中文关键词: 偏倚风险  评估工具  非随机对照研究  暴露  系统回顾
英文关键词: Bias risk  Assessment tool  Non-randomized controlled study  Exposure  Systematic reviews
孙悦皓 北京大学第三医院临床流行病学研究中心, 北京 100191  
王晓晓 北京大学第三医院临床流行病学研究中心, 北京 100191
重大疾病流行病学教育部重点实验室(北京大学), 北京 100191 
裴敏玥 北京大学第三医院临床流行病学研究中心, 北京 100191
重大疾病流行病学教育部重点实验室(北京大学), 北京 100191 
马心洁 北京大学第三医院临床流行病学研究中心, 北京 100191  
应又又 北京大学护理学院, 北京 100191  
詹思延 北京大学第三医院临床流行病学研究中心, 北京 100191
重大疾病流行病学教育部重点实验室(北京大学), 北京 100191
北京大学公共卫生学院流行病与卫生统计学系, 北京 100191 
李楠 北京大学第三医院临床流行病学研究中心, 北京 100191
重大疾病流行病学教育部重点实验室(北京大学), 北京 100191 
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      This article introduces the contents of the latest edition Risk of Bias in Non-randomized Studies-of Exposure (ROBINS-E) published in June 2022[ROBINS-E (2022)], and gives some examples about its usage. ROBINS-E is a tool for assessing the risk of bias in non-randomized studies-of exposure. Compared with ROBINS-E (2019), ROBINS-E (2022) adds more bias for observational studies, covers a more comprehensive range of bias, and adds the assessment of the external authenticity of the study. ROBINS-E (2022) adds a preliminary evaluation process to improve the efficiency of evaluation. In addition, ROBINS-E (2022) visualizes and instrumentalizes the use of signal problems in the form of path graph, making it more convenient to use. ROBINS-E (2022), although more consideration has been given to the issue of co-exposure, still does not address the problem of effect modification in co-exposure, and there is still room to expand the applicable research.
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