Epidemiological characteristics and genotype trends of rotavirus diarrhea in China from 2009 to 2020
收稿日期:2023-11-23  出版日期:2024-04-17
中文关键词: 腹泻  轮状病毒  流行特征  基因型
英文关键词: Diarrhea  Rotavirus  Epidemiological characteristics  Genotyping
唐必成 中国疾病预防控制中心传染病管理处/传染病溯源预警与智能决策全国重点实验室, 北京 102206  
孙军玲 中国疾病预防控制中心传染病管理处/传染病溯源预警与智能决策全国重点实验室, 北京 102206  
高峰 中国疾病预防控制中心传染病管理处/传染病溯源预警与智能决策全国重点实验室, 北京 102206  
王丽萍 中国疾病预防控制中心传染病管理处/传染病溯源预警与智能决策全国重点实验室, 北京 102206  
郑亚明 中国疾病预防控制中心传染病管理处/传染病溯源预警与智能决策全国重点实验室, 北京 102206 zhengym@chinacdc.cn 
李中杰 中国疾病预防控制中心传染病管理处/传染病溯源预警与智能决策全国重点实验室, 北京 102206
中国医学科学院北京协和医学院群医学与公共卫生学院, 北京 100730 
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      目的 了解2009-2020年我国全人群腹泻患者中轮状病毒感染者的流行特征和基因型变化趋势,为进一步开展腹泻监测和防控提供科学依据。方法 资料来源于国家科技重大专项传染病监测技术平台信息管理系统的我国28个省份252家哨点医院腹泻症候群监测数据,采用描述性流行病学方法分析2009-2020年轮状病毒腹泻病例在不同气候带地区、人群以及时间的分布特点及A组轮状病毒腹泻病例的基因分型特征和变化趋势。结果 2009-2020年共对114 606例腹泻病例进行轮状病毒检测,轮状病毒阳性率为19.1%(21 872/114 606),阳性病例以A组轮状病毒为主(98.2%,21 471/21 872)。轮状病毒阳性率较高的年份分别为2009年(36.9%,2 436/6 604)和2010年(30.6%,5 130/16 790),2011-2017年在14.0%~18.0%之间变化,2018年小幅上升(20.3%,2 211/10 900),之后两年连续下降(15.5%,2 262/14 611和9.5%,470/4 963)。男性(20.2%,13 660/67 471)的轮状病毒阳性率明显高于女性(17.4%,8 212/47 135);<5岁婴幼儿的轮状病毒阳性率最高(28.4%,18 261/64 300),是成年人的4倍以上。中温带、暖温带及亚热带地区的轮状病毒阳性率于12月至次年2月达高峰,而高原寒带存在2个高峰,分别出现在11月至次年1月及5-6月。2009-2020年A组轮状病毒优势基因型由G3P[8]、G1P[8]逐步发展为G9P[8]。结论 2009-2020年我国轮状病毒感染总体呈现下降趋势,呈明显的季节性流行,各年龄组人群阳性率差异较大,儿童腹泻仍是重点关注的问题,需进一步加强轮状病毒疫苗的接种,持续开展流行特征和基因型变化的监测。
      Objective To investigate the epidemiological characteristics and genotype trends of rotavirus infection among the population with diarrhea in China, from 2009 to 2020 and provide evidence for strategic surveillance and prevention. Methods Surveillance data on diarrhea syndrome from 252 sentinel hospitals across 28 provinces (municipalities, autonomous regions) were obtained from the information management system of the Infectious Disease Surveillance Technology Platform of the National Science and Technology Major Project. Descriptive epidemiological methods were employed to analyze the distribution of rotavirus diarrhea cases in different climatic zones, populations, and times from 2009 to 2020, as well as the genotyping characteristics and changing trends of group A rotavirus diarrhea cases. Results From 2009 to 2020, a total of 114 606 diarrhea cases were tested for rotavirus, and the positive rate was 19.1% (21 872/114 606); group A rotavirus was dominant (98.2%, 21 471/21 872). The positive rate of rotavirus was the highest in 2009 (36.9%, 2 436/6 604) and 2010 (30.6%, 5 130/16 790), fluctuated between 14.0% to 18.0% from 2011 to 2017, raised slightly in 2018 (20.3%, 2 211/10 900), and declined continuously in the following two years (15.5%, 2 262/14 611 and 9.5%, 470/4 963). The positive rate of males (20.2%, 13 660/67 471) was significantly higher than that of females (17.4%, 8 212/47 135). Children under five had the highest positive rate (28.4%, 18 261/64 300), more than four times that of adults. The positive rate peaked from December to February in the mediate temperate zone, warm temperate zone, and subtropical zone, while there were two peaks from November to January and May to June in the frigid zone of the plateau. The dominant genotype of group A rotavirus gradually changed from G3P[8] and G1P[8] to G9P[8] during 2009-2020. Conclusions The overall rotavirus infection rate in China was on a downward trend. Meanwhile, significant variations of positive rates were observed in seasonal epidemics and different age groups from 2009 to 2020. Rotavirus diarrhea in children was still a prominent concern. Vaccination of rotavirus vaccine should be promoted, and the epidemiological characteristics and genotypes of rotavirus diarrhea should be continuously monitored.
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