Epidemiological characteristics of fatal drowning and related factors in children in Zhejiang Province, 2022
收稿日期:2024-02-04  出版日期:2024-07-13
中文关键词: 溺水  致命性伤害  儿童  流行特征
英文关键词: Drowning  Fatal injury  Children  Epidemiological features
赵鸣 浙江省疾病预防控制中心慢性非传染性疾病预防控制所, 杭州 310051  
邓晓 中国疾病预防控制中心慢性非传染性疾病预防控制中心伤害防控室, 北京 100050  
尤柳青 浙江省疾病预防控制中心慢性非传染性疾病预防控制所, 杭州 310051  
郭丽花 浙江省疾病预防控制中心慢性非传染性疾病预防控制所, 杭州 310051  
李娜 浙江省疾病预防控制中心慢性非传染性疾病预防控制所, 杭州 310051  
钟节鸣 浙江省疾病预防控制中心慢性非传染性疾病预防控制所, 杭州 310051  
周晓燕 浙江省疾病预防控制中心慢性非传染性疾病预防控制所, 杭州 310051 xyzhou@cdc.zj.cn 
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      目的 了解浙江省2022年儿童致死性溺水流行特征,为开展针对性干预提供依据。方法 采用中国CDC慢性非传染性疾病预防控制中心设计的《儿童溺水死亡调查表》,通过病史/死亡调查记录查询、电话调查、入户调查等方式收集2022年浙江省因溺水死亡的0~17岁儿童个案信息。结果 2022年浙江省共发生儿童致死性溺水341名,完成调查330名,完成率为96.77%,男女性别比为2.33∶1,年龄以15~17岁和0~4岁为主,外省户籍儿童占54.24%。83.33%儿童致死性溺水为非故意溺水,随着年龄增长,儿童自己故意溺水死亡比例呈上升趋势。低年龄组儿童溺水死亡主要发生在公共蓄水设施,高年龄组儿童主要发生在开放自然水域。275名儿童非故意致死性溺水中,73.09%不会游泳;现场有成年人看护且看护距离在一臂之内、看护时不间断且未做其他事情的比例仅为1.09%。溺水现场明确有第一急救人员在场者占47.63%,以医务人员、成年看护人和路人为主,第一时间获得急救措施为心肺复苏且发生溺水到获得心肺复苏间隔时间≤5 min者占2.18%。结论 浙江省2022年不同年龄组溺水死亡儿童的溺水意图、溺水发生场所等存在差异。应将提高儿童游泳技能、重视成年人有效看护、提高现场急救技术普及率等作为干预重点,不断降低儿童溺水的发生及所致死亡。
      Objective To understand the epidemiological characteristics of fatal drowning in children in Zhejiang Province in 2022, analyze factors such as the swimming ability of children, the caregiver behavior at drowning site, types of first aid personnel and methods of first aid of unintentional fatal drowning and provide evidence for targeted intervention. Methods Using the "Survey Form of Fatal Drowning Case in Children" designed by National Center for Chronic and Non-communicable Disease Control and Prevention of the China CDC, we collected case information of children aged 0-17 years who died due to drowning in Zhejiang in 2022 from medical history/death investigation records, telephone interviews, and home visits. Results A total of 341 fatal drowning cases in children occurred in Zhejiang in 2022 and 330 cases were investigated (96.77%). The male to female of the cases was 2.33∶1, most cases were aged 15-17 years and 0-4 years, and 54.24% of fatal drowning cases occurred in children from other provinces. In the drowning cases, 83.33% were unintentional ones, and the proportion of intentional fatal drowning cases in children increased with age. Fatal drowning cases mainly occurred in open natural water bodies and public water storage facilities. More fatal drowning cases occurred in open natural water bodies in older children, while more fatal drowning cases occurred in public water storage facilities in younger children. In 275 children who died due to unintentional drowning, 73.09% could not swim, and only 1.09% were fully supervised by adults within an arm's length. First aid personnel, mainly medical staffs, bystanders and adult caregivers, were present for 47.63% fatal drowning cases. The proportion of the cases who had cardiopulmonary resuscitation as the first aid within 5 minutes was 2.18%. Conclusions Drowning poses a serious threat to children's lives and there are differences in reasons and locations of fatal drowning in children in different age groups in Zhejiang Province in 2022. It is necessary to conduct to interventions to improve children's swimming skills, strengthen effective adult care and conduct health education about field first aid of drowning to reduce the incidence of drowning and related deaths in children.
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