Research progress of weight-adjusted waist index and the association with adverse health outcomes
收稿日期:2024-04-22  出版日期:2024-10-22
中文关键词: 体重调整腰围指数  肥胖  不良健康结局
英文关键词: Weight-adjusted waist index  Obesity  Adverse health outcomes
杨柏林 南京医科大学附属无锡疾病预防控制中心慢性传染病防制科, 无锡 214023  
陈积标 南京医科大学附属无锡疾病预防控制中心慢性传染病防制科, 无锡 214023  
尹寒露 南京医科大学附属无锡疾病预防控制中心慢性传染病防制科, 无锡 214023  
顾静 南京医科大学附属无锡疾病预防控制中心慢性传染病防制科, 无锡 214023  
许祝平 南京医科大学附属无锡疾病预防控制中心慢性传染病防制科, 无锡 214023  
孟晓军 南京医科大学附属无锡疾病预防控制中心慢性传染病防制科, 无锡 214023 mengxiaojunwx@163.com 
摘要点击次数: 168
全文下载次数: 65
      Anthropometric indexes play a crucial role in identifying obesity. However, as an internationally commonly used indicator of obesity diagnosis, BMI has limitations in distinguishing lean body mass from fat mass. The weight-adjusted waist index (WWI), a novel anthropometric index, assesses adiposity through standardized waist circumference for weight, which presents an excellent capacity to predict the morbidity and mortality risks of various diseases. However, research on WWI is still in the exploratory stage, and there is a lack of unified standards for using this indicator to determine obesity. In addition, its potential application in children and adolescents also urgently needs to be explored. Therefore, this article comprehensively summarizes and compares the distinctive characteristics between WWI and other obesity-related anthropometric indexes. Bibliometric methods are used to analyze the hotspots and trends of WWI-related research, and we focus on discussing the value of WWI in predicting adverse health outcomes, including cardiovascular disease, diabetes, liver and kidney diseases. We aim to promote the application of WWI in a broader field and fully demonstrate its important public health significance and broad application prospects.
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