辽宁省卫生防疫站,大连市金县卫生防疫站,沈阳市和平区卫生防疫站,沈阳市新城子区卫生防疫站.辽宁省疾病长期监测的初步报告[J].Chinese journal of Epidemiology,1983,4(3):178-180 |
辽宁省疾病长期监测的初步报告 |
A Preliminary Report on Long-term Disease Surveillance in Liaoning Province |
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辽宁省于和平区(市区)、新城子区、金县(农村)三个地区开展了疾病监测研究。1981年搜集了生命统计、死因及疫情资料。在死因方面,循环系统疾病居首位,恶性肿瘤次之,其死亡率依次为172.6~242.7/10万与66.6~107.7/10万。急性传染病的死亡率已下降至2.8~5.6/10万。我们编制寿命表程序,应用它于TQ-16计算机中编制一个寿命表不足一分钟。以金县为例,女性期望寿命为75.71岁,男性为72.88岁。为了了解疫情报告的准确性,进行了现场抽查并计算了校正发病率。农村的痢疾、甲型肝炎和麻疹发病率高于市区。麻疹、白喉、乙脑与流脑血清学监测的结果表明发病率与人群免疫水平间呈负相关性,这指明了对免疫水平较低地区的疾病控制是重要的。 |
English Abstract: |
A disease surveillance program was conducted in three areas in Liaoning Provincei Heping District of Shenyang City, Xinchenzi District and Jin County. Data of vital statistics, causes of death and infectious diseases were collected from those places in 1981. In the order of cause of death, circulatory disease occupied the first place and malignancy the second, the mortality rates being 172.6~242.7/100,000 and 66.6~107.7/100,000 respectively. The mortality rate of acute infectious diseases has dropped to 2,8~5.6/100,000. A computerized procedure for compilation life table was used. With the aid of this methord, a life table could be accomplished in less than one minute. In Jin County, the life-span expectancy in females was 75.71 years and that in the males was 72.88 years. A sampling field survey on unreported rates of notifiable communicable diseases was carried out and the morbidity rates of these diseases were thus adjusted. The adjusted morbidity rates of dysenterytviral hepatitis and measles in the countries were higher in tiie rural than urban areas. Serological survey of measles, diphtheria, encephalitis type B and epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis revealed that there was a negative correlation between the morbidity rates and immune levels of the population. |
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