范宗华,劳伟宁,刘力克.人流感与猪流感关系的监测[J].Chinese journal of Epidemiology,1984,5(3):150-153
Surveillance of the Relationship of Influenza Infection Between Humans and Pigs
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Author NameAffiliation
Fan Zonghua 四川医学院流行病学教研室 
劳伟宁 四川医学院流行病学教研室 
刘力克 四川医学院流行病学教研室 
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English Abstract:
      There were 336 human serum specimens and 607 pig serum specimens collected in April 1982 and may 1983 in Chengdu area. Antibodies to influenza Viruses were detected with antigens including Hsw1N1,H1N1,H2N2,two strains of H3N2 and influenza B virus by the heamagglutination (HI) test. All HI positive specimens of pig sera were retested by the single radial hemolysis (S.R.H.) test. The results showed that the pigs could be infected by all kinds of influenza virus which could infect humans and that the HI positive rate in pig sera ran parellel with that in human sera.
Furthermore HI antibodies to influenza B virus were found in 22 pig sera and the positive rate was 3.6%. The positive rate became 72.7% when retested by S.R.H.test. When four pig sera with HI positive were run in virusneutralization (VN) tests with B virus,three showed the ability to neutralize B virus.In pig sera the H2N2, HI positive rate was 78.3% and the geometric mean of HI antibody titers was 42.5. The positive rate became 48.7%when retested by S, R, H, test.The facts have proved serologically that the pigs can be infected by influenza B virus and that H2N2 type virus has been prevalent in pigs in the past few years.Some other findings were also discussed.
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