过祥豹,李良寿,汪美先.对炭疽阿斯可利试验效果的检验[J].Chinese journal of Epidemiology,1985,6(1):50-51
Evaluation of the diagnostic valve of Ascoli Test in Anthrax
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Author NameAffiliation
Guo Xiangbao 第四军医大学 
李良寿 第四军医大学 
汪美先 第四军医大学 
Hits: 1738
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English Abstract:
      108 samples of diseased animal skin & fur were tested, it was found that 62% were positive for Bacillus anthracis by cultivation, but only 24.1% positive by Ascoli test.There were 28.4% false positive results with normal animal tissues by Ascoli test. In 140 samples of anthrax animal tissues, it was found that 57.98% correlation was found between Ascoli test and bacterial cultivation and such relationship was not close. These results revealed that Ascoli test possessed low sensitivity and specificity. The cause of low specificity of Ascoli test was that there were common antibodies in the diagnostic precipitin serum, they might react with antigens of Bacillus cereus thus eliciting cross reactions. This was also proven by fluorescent antibody technic and the cros reacting autibodies could not be removed by absorption test. The background of low sensitivity by ring precipitation method seems to be that the sensitivity of precipitin test in serology being the lowest of all, it could not detect out minute amount of antigen. So interpretation of the results of Ascoli test should be very careful. Our view point about the value of Asco li test used in research, diagnosis, and instruction in Microbiology is pointed out.
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