薛英杰,吴系科,张衍文.流行病学研究数据质量评价方法的探讨[J].Chinese journal of Epidemiology,1985,6(3):166-169
An Exploration on the Measurement-error and evaluation of the Epidemiologic Data
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Author NameAffiliation
Xue Yingjie 安徽医学院流行病学教研室 
吴系科 安徽医学院流行病学教研室 
张衍文 安徽医学院流行病学教研室 
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English Abstract:
      Measurement error and reliability of epidemiologic data in two middle schools in Taihu and Yuexi counties have been studied, in which intra-Person standard deviation was used to estimate measurement error and intra-person correlation coefficient relia-, bility respectively. In qualitative data, those of weight and height showed greatest reliability(0.992 for weight, 0.996 for height), followed by laboratory variables (0.86-0.96), and BP variables came last (0.77-0.79 for SBP, 0.72-0.76 for DBP, 0.29 DBP).Among ranked data,those of the education level of the parents were highest (0.94-0.98) psychological and behavioral variables lowest (0.29-0.45), with family income in between (0.61). Accordingly, it is suggested that the quality of data should be estimated in research papers besides presentation of the design and methods of study.
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