隆德县卫生防疫站,固原地区卫生防疫站,宁夏回族自治区卫生防疫站.一起食物型菌痢爆发流行的调查报告[J].Chinese journal of Epidemiology,1985,6(4):217-218
Epidemiologic Survey of An outbreak of Food-Borne Bacillary Dysentery
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Health & Anti-epidemic Station, Longde County  
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English Abstract:
      This paper reported an outbreak of dysentery in village Shangcha of Longde county Ningxia, china in June 1984. The attack rate was 44.03% (555/1100). It was thought that the outbreak was the result eating, contaminated beaf. 4 cases died. The fatality rate was 0.72%. There was no significant difference between two sexes. The incubation period was from 1 day to 5 days with a minimum of 7 hours. 176 cases (31.83%) fell ill within 24 hours after eating. Typical acute dysentery occurred in 134 cases, atypical in others. Stool samples were collected in 119 cases, and 33 strains of bacillus dysenteriae were isolated, 30 out of which were S.flexner 3a bacilli. It was possible that the source of infection was the cook carrying the bacteria. The mood of transmission was found to be related to contamination of prepared meal, i. e. using fingers to divide the beaf and using unwashed dishes for the beaf.
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