赵惠霖,林普生,谢韶英,赵茜茜,陈焕辉,刘家忠,曾志忠,王锐航.从重点监测地区看在广东省消灭脊髓灰质炎的前景[J].Chinese journal of Epidemiology,1985,6(4):236-238
Exploring the Prospect of Eradicating Poliomyelitis from Guang-dong Province basing on Data from the focal point Surveillance Area
English Key Word: 
Author NameAffiliation
Zhao Huilin 广东省流行病防治研究所 
林普生 广东省流行病防治研究所 
谢韶英 广东省流行病防治研究所 
赵茜茜 广东省流行病防治研究所 
陈焕辉 广东省增城县卫生防疫站 
刘家忠 广东省增城县卫生防疫站 
曾志忠 广东省增城县卫生防疫站 
王锐航 增城昆石滩公社卫生院 
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English Abstract:
      The statistical data of paralytic poliomyelitis from Guang-dong province in 1956-1983 showed epidemic poliomyelitis has been brought under control, and its epidemiologic features had been greatly changed during the past 28 years. This may be related to the use of live attenuated polio-vaccine Since 1964.
A survey conducted in 1982-1983 showed that any type of poliovirus could not be isolated from 258 cases of pre-school aged children and 83 sewage samples in the population of wellimmunized areas, 82.1-96.8% residents have had type 1-3 poliovirus neutralizing antibody, and 30 maternal and umbilical cord blood samples were triple antibody positive in 97.7%and 90% samples respectively. The results suggested that probably interruption of the chain of paralytic Polioviruses was nearly achieved in the well-immunized population.
However,a number of virulent poliovirus strains can still be isolated from the poorly vaccinated communities, so that it may be possible for a virus to spread through a population and some other outbreaks may be expected.
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