李锦瑞,刘艳丽,杨艾荣,赵贵苏,万超群,田登安,陈建平.1985年北京市健康人群嗜肺军团菌I型抗体水平调查[J].Chinese journal of Epidemiology,1986,7(3):132-134
A Survey on Antibody Level of Healthy Population of Beijing against L.pneumophila Type I During 1985
English Key Word: 
Author NameAffiliation
Li Jinrui 北京市卫生防疫站 
刘艳丽 北京市卫生防疫站 
杨艾荣 北京市卫生防疫站 
赵贵苏 北京市卫生防疫站 
万超群 中国预防医学科学院流行病学微生物学研究所 
田登安 中国预防医学科学院流行病学微生物学研究所 
陈建平 中国预防医学科学院流行病学微生物学研究所 
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      作者对北京市12个区、县837名健康人血清用ELISA法检查嗜肺军团菌I型抗体,其几何平均滴度为16.6,抗体水平 ≥ 1:160者有43名,占5.14%,表明我市城乡人群中有军团菌感染之可能。各年龄组的抗体几何平均滴度以30岁组最高,为19.42。饮食服务行业中以炊事员抗体滴度最高,占阳性人群的11/43。
English Abstract:
      837 healthy people from 12 districts and counties in Beijing were examined with Enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for the antibody level against.
Legionella pneumophila serogroup 1. The result showed the GMT was 16.6. Among them, 43 persons were 1:160 or more (5.14%). The finding suggested that the probability of the infection with L.pneumophila serogroup 1 may be existing among the people in the city and suburbs. It was found that 30 age group was the highest (1:19.42) among all age groups. The highest titer level was detected among those cooks of Food Service with 11 positive out of 43 positive persons.
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