吕德生,陈志新,王伯伦.空肠/结肠弯曲菌的生物分型和质粒分析及其在流行病学中的初步应用[J].Chinese journal of Epidemiology,1988,9(1):38-41
Biotyping and Plasmid Analysis of Campylobacter jejuni/coli and Their Preliminary Application in Epidemiological Study
KeyWord: 空肠/结肠弯曲菌  生物分型  质粒分析
English Key Word: Campylobacter jejuni/coli  Biotyping  Plasmid analysis
Author NameAffiliation
Lu Desheng Department of Epidemiology, West China University of Medical Sciences 
陈志新 Department of Epidemiology, West China University of Medical Sciences 
王伯伦 Department of Epidemiology, West China University of Medical Sciences 
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English Abstract:
      Biotyping and plasmid analysis of Campylobacter jejuni/coli from the Chengdu district were made and the methods which combined with the Penner serotyping scheme were applied to family studies of the patients with enteritis of Campylobacter jejuni/coli positive. In a total of 116 isolates, C.jejuni biotype 1, biotype 2 and C.coli comprised 58.6%, 4.3% and 37.1% respectively. Most of Campylobacter jejuni/coli from humans and chickens were C.jejuni biotype 1, whereas C.coli was the predominant organism in pigs. Of the 106 strains, plasmid occurrence rate was 18.9%. Most strains which carried plasmids had between 2 and 3 of them. Plasmids ranged in size from<1.4 to 58 megadaltons. The incidence of plasmids observed in C.coli strains (34.21%) was significantly greater than that observed in C.jejuni strains (10.29%). The study showed that the biotyping and plasmid analysis were valuable in tracing transmission of Campylobacter infection and might be useful tools in epidemiological survey of Campylobacter infection.
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