袁承德,迮文远,杨进业,李美娟,苏万年,杨宏徽,刘保奎,张囯强,董春明,张国华,黎国形,何秀芳.乙型肝炎疫苗与儿期常用疫苗同时接种的免疫应答与反应观察Ⅲ.乙型肝炎疫苗与卡介苗、A群流脑多糖菌苗同时接种的免疫应答与反应观察[J].Chinese journal of Epidemiology,1990,11(1):34-37
Immune Response and Post Inoculation Reactions of Simultaneous Administration of Hepatitis B Vaccine with Routine Vaccine in Children Ⅲ. Immune Response and Post Inoculation Reactions of Simultaneous Administration of Hepatitis B Vaccine and BCG, Meningococcus Group A Polysaccharide Vaccine
Received:February 16, 1989  Revised:April 10, 1989
KeyWord: 乙型肝炎疫苗  卡介苗  A群流脑多糖菌苗
English Key Word: Hepatitis B vaccine  ECG  Meningococcus group A polysaccharide vaccine
Author NameAffiliation
Yuan Chengde National Vaccine & Serum Institute, Beijing 
迮文远 National Vaccine & Serum Institute, Beijing 
杨进业 广西壮族自治区卫生防疫站 
李美娟 广西壮族自治区卫生防疫站 
苏万年 1. National Vaccine & Serum Institute, Beijing 
杨宏徽 广西壮族自治区卫生防疫站 
刘保奎 National Vaccine & Serum Institute, Beijing 
张囯强 National Vaccine & Serum Institute, Beijing 
董春明 National Vaccine & Serum Institute, Beijing 
张国华 National Vaccine & Serum Institute, Beijing 
黎国形 南宁市红卫医院 
何秀芳 南宁市红卫医院 
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      本文对HBV与BCG、BAPV同时接种的免疫应答性和接种反应作了研究,对出生3天内的360名新生婴儿,随机分为I组单独接种三针10μgHBV,Ⅱ组分别接种BCGs及50μg MAPV,Ⅲ组HBV分别与BCGs、MAPV同时接种,Ⅳ组分别接种BCGi和MAPV,Ⅴ组HBV分别与BCGi、MAPV同时接种,三针间隔为0、1、5个月。均作免疫前后抗体测定或OT,同时接种组的抗-HBs及MAPV之BA抗体及OT的阳转率分别为100%、92.59%及81.82%-90.0%与单独接种组的96.49%、90.24%和79.25%-87.50%,无显著差异,未见异常反应,一般反应轻微,二组无显著性差异,表明HBV可与BCG、MAPV同时接种。
English Abstract:
      The results of the immune response and post inoculation reactions of simultaneous administration of BCG, meningococcus group A polysaccharide vaccine and hepatitis B vaccine were reported. 360 newborn babies (1-3 days of age) were divided into five groups. The babies in group No.1 were vaccinated with hepatitis B vaccine alone, babies in group No.2 were vaccinated with BCG for scarification within 3 days alter delivery and meningococcus group A polysaccharide vaccine in 6 months of age; babies in group No.3 were vaccinated with hepatitis B vaccine, BCG for scarification and miningococcus group A polysaccharide vaccine simultaneously, babies in group No.4 were vaccinated with intradermal BCG and miningococcus group A polysaccharide vaccine separately, babies in group No.5 were caccinated with hepattlis B vaccine, intradermal BCG and meningococcus group A polysaccharide vaccine simultaneous.
The results of the immune response of the combination of hepatitis B vaccine with BCG, meningococcus group A polysaccharide vaccine were similarly to the immune response observed after immunization of each vaccine alone in children. The general post inoculation reactions of all vaccines were mild. There was no significant difference among all 5 groups.
The data shoved that children could be immunized with hepatitis B vaccine, BCG and meningococcus group A polysaccharide vaccine simultaneously.
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